Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Well sunday nite back to school, tried out my programming shit ..still stuck and swam under the nice sun.I do not know why but I am feeling empty and want to be isolated from everyone lately.

It could be due to some worries in my head.. 1st my FYP, pretty slow 2nd what can I do after graduation? 3rd

Well I am still stuck in my programming and also feeling difficutly in locating my partner partly because he is comfortable being alone and this really creeps me.. I din know but I felt I am dying in it soon .

2nd, Well I am putting some extra effort in it but well I am still phobia of not making it thro the final sem. I am always in for such shit luck...

3rd, ... Met up with Avis and gigi and george over friday. I felt I am slow that I am still in college and this final year of uni is not worth it just because the NTU engine education system sucks... I felt old and really want to move on to another chapter in life. I know tons of people told me that working is worst than studying but .... I want to get out of this deadlock and proceed....

Ohh well I do not know what I become of but I no longer feel the urge to socialise but to stay in one conern and mind my own shit... I dont know .. I am lost and feeling empty...


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