Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Friday, January 14, 2005

well.... I was busy this early week so I could not blog. I had a long day in school from monday to tuesday. wed was quite okie, I managed to climb up the neverending stairs to the NIE library.The place is cool not much disturbance and best thing is the lack of the old dirty carpet smell the NTU has.... and of course the view are better in terms of scenic and people. brushed up on my amplifers.

Today went blading in ECP, not bad is good .. not that crowded. I managed to dig up my FYP stuff to do but it's was a hillfull of stuff......sigh .. hope things will get better for the FYP as I am getting more and more worried...Today article about playboy...well let me think..... some guys are born lucky.... look at those who get interviewed....overseas educated chap, half chinese, rich person....

I was wondering we have playboys among a locally bornd bred, educated person,middle income family kid ??? I din know but based on this guidelines...he will have difficulties getting alot of girlfriends... oh welli am destined to be like that...


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