Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Well been a week since I had left singapore, things are okie in HK. Today weather seems to be okie gaining back it's original self. The past days had been rainning and sunshine due to the passage of a typoon making havoc in the weather system.

I had been looking for jobs and went thro one of the company's interview. Due to my limited experience I am uncertain that they will hire me or well I do not know, I am rather uncertain what sort of decision should I give if they give me the golden call that they will hire me. Should I postphone that decision to accept or reject? I had only been to HK for a week and had the attention of 2 companies, is it a good sign or am I just lucky and take what is given or wait a bit longer?

I am now still finanically stable with minor expenditure on food and transport as I seldom shop, I only bought a polo-shirt using my cash that's all yesterday. The others, I tried to use my visa if permits so as to limit my drain in my cash in hk.Not much of a sale had happened in HK as most shops are carrying the autnmn collection, I purchased a set of suit from G2000 for interviews as it's HK culture to wear suit for interview. IT's super hot and uncomfortable...arrghghh.....

Been helping out my friend to secure some part-time jobs during her stay in hk as well I had been job-hunting recently so that should not be a hassle, besides I do have some tingering little butterflies flopping in my stomach when I am with her..what does that means... oh's obvious ain it ? I am working hard in having more chances to be with her... been rather luckless these days and I can foresee that my luck will ran out soon.. damn, I am usually pretty accurate in this...but hope this time is otherwise.... else... I really just pack up my bags and leave hk and go elsewhere (not even Sg) ------I have a relative in

I had been studying for my japanese too been a pretty hardworking boy with the occasional distraction from TV and other entertainment.... hope i will survive

Friday, September 23, 2005

Well back in hongkong, alot of things had happened.I had managed to be on the plane with a friend of mine, I had known her 3 years ago and lost her after that. It was an unwelcoming end that time after all things did not go according as what I had planned .

Been out with Jasmine and her friends, we are doing fine. Sophia is good. We are out mostly on shopping trips. I still put a belt on my wallet as I do not want to make myself broke after only days of arrival.

I also been looking for jobs in Hongkong so far luck is with me and there are 3 replies and one out of 3 I had been interviewed over the phone, experience gained and applied to next round. Monday will have a one-2-one interview..

ohhh boy.... going to buy a set of suit as in Hongkong they are pretty dress conscious.Tonite I will be going to Lan Kwan Fong if time permits. Time for my breakfast

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Well busy meeting with friends and concluding my japanese as I am leaving for sometime now. The begin of another phase of my life had begun. What lies ahead , I hope things will be smooth and alright. Yet to pack my stuff as I was busy with other necessary things. I will be more able after wednesday as class is over and trip preparation takes the front seat. Hope everything is good ..

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Well ended my national service but as usual due to the normal mess up, i have to make 3 trips to the base to collect my IC..darn.... been busy with my revision class lately.. day in day out.. very tiring but interesting.