Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Well today is Thursday and the team and I had completed our job. It was managable so after work we went to Taipei 101, it was huge and the bookstore Page One is big and nice ... very Kinokuniya feel....

Also the night market is superb, full of road side store which have alot of nice snacks and clothes. As I prefer to save up my allowance for this trip, I decided not to buy alot of stuff back.

I shall be packing my stuff for the trip back to HK tomorrow and sleep early as I am feeling tiring..

Okie, I think I had gain a few kilos but sat hip-hop shall keep my fat down...

Monday, March 27, 2006

Well it been a busy period for me. First I had a new job at nokia, which is superb working as an testing engineer. Due to the working environment, I could not go online that easily and also work load is getting heavier compared to the last job.I am now in Taipei as part of my job. Testing the mobile system, I will be traveling around APAC doing the same thing but it is interesting as the accomodation is excellent, and I know I am taken care of.

My sister wedding was great which was why I return to Singapore but for a brief period of 4 days. I wish I could meet all the friends and handle my sister wedding stuff but I could not. Sorry to Xing wei and Emi but I will be back in May due to my work I think so .

Taipei is excellent despite the gloomy rainy weather but it's alright. The place look quite tidy and abit japanese feel. So far with only 1 day of work, it's not a bad place after all. I am staying in a 5 star hotel with excellent amenditities at my disposal.

I got a call from my dad that his company is interested in hiring me but I will be going UK and a huge pay increasment compare to this one. I am now pondering should I consider???

Currently my pay is very good but comparing to the UK offer, this is peanuts...umphh...... I had just settle in hong kong and now I have to consider moving elsewhere....

umphhh.....I am not sure if I can left what I had in HK, after all this little career of mine is what I had use all my might to build on.. not depending on other people .... I guess I could give it a go and see what the company is offering me.... maybe....

I will be in Taipei till friday, I hope I could have more interesting time in Taiwan, I am enjoying it ...

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Sorry people, I had not been updating this blog since ages. Feburary is a time of change and it was a super busy month for me. A time of disbelief and a time of soul searching. I had been busy with my mom mini matters of leaving HongKong and also my little journey of finding a better job. Well not really better but a job that give me a slight level of security for example some medical or insurance benefit.

Valentines' Day was spent at Shenzhen due to my work, SZ was great in some areas as the place does have some similiarities to Singapore. The road are wide, the houses are big, you could hardly find people walking around. The field test was conducted in an excellence fashion and was able to end it early. Since my last trip to mainland was 1994, I had chosen to stay behind and walk around the LoWu Plaza... such little excursion only lasted 15mins after which, I hurried back to the HK border. It's was something which I will not really like to go to given a choice. So that end my eventless trip to China. I still cant forget the lunch of a Northern Canton origin, it was ohh..shit.. while looking at the dishes, my mind keep on popping up the idead of "how I was we had chosen MacDonalds' for a meal instead"

Well looking at it, i felt MacDonald's worldwide conquest does give me some good as in a foreign place that you do not have the time to adapt to their meals, you just want a predictable meal and feel good with it .. i guess this is when Mac comes in to save the day.....

I will be having a new job this coming week, its something out of the expectation...the reason is that I had given up the tot of finding a new job as I should not be too fussy about this one and focus on it's merits. But then... chances came knocking on your door one day and you just feel like taking the plunge.. I am uncertain about the new job but nevertheless, I decide to take it ...
Consider the things given to me.. I guess its a reasonable risk to take.

The one and only thing I could not let out is my colleagues as they are indeed very nice to me and also well a little lady that had soften my heart... I shall resort such matters to fate.

I am going back around the 16th to singapore to attend my sister's wedding. I am not sure what are the preparations but I wish them all the best and happiness.. I guess I do have a lot of people to meet when I return to Singapore.

I will be watching Brokeback mountain later after the way the weather in HK is of a single digit...oh gosh... my house is like a freezer ohhh...