Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Umph been focusing on my lanaguage after all the things had been settled down. I have a mock test tomorrow and had been studying dilligently over the past days. Tomorrow will meet up with Jasmine and sophia, going to hand her my keys and hope everything will be fine.

I had stopped swimming for the past few days as due to my friday swim, I overworked my back I cannot blamed it as I had not touched the water for the past 2 months plus but now I got better. Will swim whenever is possible.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Umph. Been busy with my housechores and other minor stuff, cleaned up the house and also study abit of japanese here and there. I am still poundering to work in Singapore or HK... HK offer a lower pay and I do not know . I shall complete my JLPT prep course first before making any decision. Feeling low lately, there is only one way for me to overcome it is to face the situation I am having now.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Well, back from a bangkok trip. It was wonderful since it was my first trip with friends. My Jc mates, we had fun and enjoy the stay generally. Food and stuff were cheap or well interesting nice compared to this island.I felt that most of the islanders prefer to taste local food and also MBK goods, but I did not buy anything from MBK.

We ate alot and confined our eating activities in Emporium.We had made a general observation that the Thai females are generally slim and we seldom encounter any ladies that are slight off the scale. I understand that this is just a premature statement but, any given day in orchard things are usually ugly at best.

We are uncertain of the differences in the Thais as some of them have tanned skin and other are very fair. But overall their complexion is good as they devoid of any craters or pimples found in this island popluation. This could be caused by the weather or the genetic differences in us.

Looking at the Thais who are fairer, they are more like chinese then the island's chinese due to their smooth skin and fair complexion but overall the height is the same.

I could be stating these statements abit too early but this is what I had seen after 4days in bangkok.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Well had a leaky nose over the past 2 days, yet to see a doc and now self-medicating. Hope everything is fine for the bangkok trip on sunday. So far nothing much in particular, lesson in the afternoon as usual. Feeling abit tired that could be attribute to the sensitive nose of mine. I had resort to sleeping early as the nite were overly warm and not very good for me to linger on, perfer to wake up early to do my things.

Today woke up around 9+ as it's my birthday after all, decided to do nothing today but will go for lessons today. Sophia had not reply me as she promised to dine with me tonite but ermm mostly likely I will be having meals on my own. I do not really feel like relying on people these days..

Singapore is still at such a warmly stage..I do not feel comfortable with it

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Well had not been able to update my blog over these days as my internet connection is rather doggy. I had seeked help from singtel but they refuse to handle internet problems so problem was pushed to singnet and again refer me back to singtel. Sigh.

Booked a trip to bangkok on the 14th with George and Patrick, hope it's going to be fun.

I had stopped dancing for a while and focus on my japanese. I am now a full time student, the class is small around 4 but so far I managed to learn alot but I still prefer Sasaki sensei but well not much a choice but continue to protray my motivation in it so as to keep the spirt up and not to let sasaki sensei down.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Well I had suddenly realised that my stash of kits are more than I thought and I will never be able to build them all so thus putting some on e-bay.

Went for car showroom today in the evening with dad, toyota was alright but sadly mitsubishi folks were nowhere insight thus we cannot ask them anything or how the car function. ohh bother.

Narrowing down between nissan or toyota.

Life had improved alittle with private transport for communting