Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Well... with a new year, I think I deserved a new start.Pushing all the rubbish aside, I had continue to live on and learn what I should not do another time round. With a little spare time, joining classes to fulfill my life will be a good idea as this is always the case. Using this little motivation, this little leo had joined up for a Yoga course which will starts on Jan 4th.I understand that there are very little males in such activities but with my mind of try now then never.

I think I will pour out alittle courage and brace the critisim I will received from a large group of girls. I will stick to my belief, try when you are 25 other to regret it at 60...HK weather is perfect for christmas, cooling but not too cold and have a jolly christmas mood. With a coming new year, I do wish all a happy new year.... oh ...gota resume my hip-hop soon....8th Jan..... geezzz..going to be a active year....

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Well christmas is around the corner. Well going to be another single christmas. I still feeling pretty jolly about it . Sometimes without any burden, it makes you better. Without all those shit stuff that you need to face or adjust to. You do feel a sense of freedom..... yup...

I had been a victim of unfair treatment in this round of yet to start relationship. Someone who just can easily forget what I had said, and start another day... it is unfair after all the things you did for her will be denied by her in such a unforgiving manner...... I had stand tall always and thus will not fall under such silly circumstances. I will remain strong and also constanting remind myself. "NEVER AGAIN"

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Well almost to christmas..what is my plans..umphh ....

JLPT 3 was alittle okie but not that good ... the weather is awfully cold these days in HK with my house having a temperature of 8+ degrees.... eekk..

Colleagues are good, We had a BBQ last saturday and there is alot of things to play.4 of us got out to the sea by rowing out a boat..very fun indeed.

Sunday was the JLPT3... imagine waking up at 7+ for the test when the temp was around 10 and it was tough crawling out of the bed ... Luckily I managed to make it thro. I am now without a personal PC at home thus going home is pretty nothing for me to do but to watch TV and build some model airplanes...

My mum will be coming back next thursday so then I will have home cooked food... yuppie !! ! !

Aniwei with all , I was thinking what I will be if I am working in Singapore now????

I just opened another bank accont during lunchtime. wow..there is this pretty Trainee Banker that attended to my request...ohhh boy..hahaaa....