Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, June 13, 2004

ohh went pool with george and patrick and had dinner with them at bukit timah.. well want to meet them as patrick is going for a holiday in some part of china.and when he is back i am going back to hongkong. pool was okie not that bad..average of me.cough or sore throat is still there ..darn....

Today went swimming and met up with Carabell, boy she is tanned and look too toasted. But it's nice to see her again after a while of her abscence.she is alright and goes blading too so i guess next time i have another partner i can call for blading. Suddenly last min friends all did not turn up for blading..super turn off..aniwei it's not a problem I can always do that alone...beside I can perform something I cant with friends around. .... now felt super tired


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