Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Friday, June 11, 2004

well oppss it's been sometime that I had wrote... so how was my week? Work is okie ..presentation slides are done, joyce was happy with it..Cheerrss....

Tuesday had a nice lesson and it's very nice of Derrick to treat us supper. I was not acustomed to that and want to pay but then both of us are from the airforce, I understand the service culture.He is a good man and going to TOkyo soon...Good men will have good fortune.

Wednesday onn welll sick of boring..did not do much ...went home after work...slack.. do not want to work on thurs so get a MC.heehee and managed to baged one..ohhhhh ohhhhooo... I was not that sick but on the stage of recovery, fever had subsided to a lower temp but still nasal area is kinda of blocked. Went back home had a nap and EAST coast park here i go...woo hahaaa..blade like no tomorrow..alone .. not many people on the road exp some kids having their holidays.After that was enjoying myself having a cup of mocha and cake and doing my japanese homework at was sooo relaxing.MEt up with jasmine, she want to intro her friend to me but did not make it so rush for lesson...class saw me with blades..was "wwoooooo" okie i was the more active person in the class..heee ... in the end managed to know jasmine's friend.. she is kinda of nice and refreshing...


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