Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Well mid-week, this morning i was rather edgy as my sups had not discussed with me with regards to my presentation slides. Was worried, the feeling of willing to get the job done but do not have the ability to. Ohh well.... Xavier, the perm staff who is going to DSTA is giving us a treat at chinatown.This is far far place when you account that my workplace is AMK but then when you have 4 wheels things just get a bit nearer. The food is not to my taste, as it is vegetarian. I do not like such stuff for years as I believe that a meal should have meat, veggies and other stuff. Had a hard time ? not really. I am just unacustomed to the food.

Tonite 7pm i be on channel i as I am an extra actor in one of their documentary. ohh well I really din know what I will look like..hee.

tomorrow is the presentation, bullets will be flying around but i'm prepared as I was riddled with bullet holes yesterday. I believe if you never get hurt, you will never learns. I guess I am one of those who learn things by the hard way.

shit going to cut hair today and shucks no time for mum to record MY SHOW!!!


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