Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Well, watched I-robot yesterday. it was not a bad show..but the company is better than the show. Went to school and tried to be hardworking by attending lectures but then it's was a morning no lesson day... shit !%!%! nevermind ...went home slept .... last nite visited my japanese class people..not bad ..alot of them are around.... how i wish i was still there

Today sit at the coffee table and study.... i felt i am getting process at the coffee table, I am surprise that I can study at the living room..... aniwei studied what is needed and then went for a swim...not bad .....swim awhile and conclude a day of studying for me .. .

Life is getting more meaningful for me now ... getting a sense of direction in life..... thinking, i do love kids and at the rate i am at now. I will still be single when i reach 40 ..shit...... no wife no kids........ somehow, my mind is wondering about adaption....ummphh do they accept single parents?

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Well had a good saturday.went for morning class while braving the rain....ekk..... sasaki san was there with the ever charmin smile..heehee... today class only have 4 blokes..that is inclusive of me...feeling stressed that I had not converse in jap for 3 + weeks .. i cannot really talk that much..then things start to get better... aniwei maybe hop to sat noon class as morning is too early.... I had to wake up at 9++..wahhh .. due to some miscomms , i cannot meet with george and patrick but in the end agree to meet patrick for dinner ...

Using the extra time, i study at starbucks.... and getting sick of it walk around at borders...geezzz bumped into jacq and jannie....wahhh waht a tiny world..

Went to shop with them then walk with jannie and had a coffee with her ..and chit chat..she is friendly and nice to be with.... after that had dinner with patrick..nothing much just discuss about george's incident...but i believe he will get better soon.....

Saturday, July 24, 2004

well interesting weekend.friday managed to meet up with emi and dawn. they are fine..and bumped into kristy....she got a job and as jovial as last seen her. Shop around with emi and dawn.she sort of like my bag but singapore do not sell champion stuff..sooo.... aniwei they like the food i got for them. After dawn left, I hang around and shop with emi.She was interested in getting a digi v-cam for her video shot on her birthday but it's rather expensive for a 1.0 Mpexiel camera...met her mum, she is quite friendly too and was with them when they tried out Dior cosmetics....met up with jasmine and tresa...they are also doing good and jas went to hk this sun morning..hope her dream will really came true...  after them met up with jacquline and sally and also jannie. we spent a short while at a "vietnamese" food store opposite bugis junction...drinks suxxxxx ...... I can also Bet big time that the food sux tooo.... we play cards there ...jacq seems pretty happy about the hello kitty uno i got for her....         after that home... One thing. Despite what every singapore store said about Vietnamese food, they are ALL SUXXX... why do i give such a comment... I tried most of them .... using my half vietnamese hertiage to make some comment on them...they suxXXXXX............ One more thing, singapore retail service suxxxx too... i mean they are not bad but still sub-standards compared to hongkong. I do not felt welcome when i walk into a shop.those folks do not greet me or intro anythings to me..just stand there like part of the decor.. aniwei my expectation maybe too high but it depends on what kind of service you want and I want those serivce I got in hongkong...  the postive friendly staff......... MRT 6 mins per also slow...aniwei....... i will take sometime to adjust....

Thursday, July 22, 2004


I do not know but tonight when i was looking at the stars above singapore, it is different compare to those in hongkong.

We are under the sky but it is so different. somehow I felt much better under the sky of hongkong then in singapore. I do not know why but..... after 20+ years in Singapore, there is a sense of belonging in hongkong.

I know hongkong is small,crowded, dirty, messy and well alot and alot of quirky stuff but somehow i prefer there...ohh well back to singapore now, got to adjust to it...

wish me luck

I do not know but tonight when i was looking at the stars above singapore, it is different compare to those in hongkong.

We are under the sky but it is so different. somehow I felt much better under the sky of hongkong then in singapore. I do not know why but..... after 20+ years in Singapore, there is a sense of belonging in hongkong.

I know hongkong is small,crowded, dirty, messy and well alot and alot of quirky stuff but somehow i prefer there...ohh well back to singapore now, got to adjust to it...

wish me luck

Friday, July 16, 2004

aniwei .....hope george is feeling better now. I know it's over but i felt bad of not able to help him during that time of need. I was not in singaproe and do not know what had happened.. sigh ......
Aniwei thro this i believe he will be stronger and wiser in this area....wish him luck!

Monday, July 12, 2004

well...aniwei ...i am really grateful for friends i had now, they are treating me real good. I will get them nice things from hongkong. the cash flow in hongkong is not a problem at this time. I am still having sufficient money.

I am planning to buy a champion sling bag and other clothings too ..maybe a swimming trunk. I had vouched not to go swimming in hongkong anymore..the money can be use in more meaningful ways.

Waht other meaningful ways? buy more stuffs.. i am planning to get myself a huge 1/35 Blackhawk chopper...that one you see in blackhawk's super cheap around 1/2 the price in singapore..woooooheee.... haahaaa.....

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

hot hot day in hong kong is finall over !! haahaa...went to siu lei yun to use the public pool it's wow...... errmmm okie .. i did enjoy the swim but at the cost of S$6,
pretty expensive for me who normall swim for free in singapore aniwei . .. .. been eating alot lately and guess i better regain my shape when i go back to singapore.....