Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Thursday, May 19, 2005


I am still undecided what to do in my life? I do not have the mood to look for a job now, the only excuse I have is that I am now back to NS sort of a relief? I do not know but I planned to look for job around June when everything is settled down.

I am still feeling signs of unsafe in my new place in the squadron.. but I know I can get it thro without worries... Friday going to JB and I will test my S1 if she is willing to give me that day leave....after all she decline my clerk's application leave on this friday. If she approves then there will be voices of unjust but then I have reasons to leave..... so see how. I just do not feel just that I have to take a full day of leave cos I going overseas, I was planning to work in the morning and to JB in the afternoon..darnn.. I see how .. testing the limits tomorrow...

Seeing my friends now , I felt out of the race as most of them are now working yet I am still in a transition stage...oh boy..hope things will be better...

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

well had been a alright weekend. out with jasmine and makkio, yasuko and CK .... had a nice coffee around arab st. Begin to feel weirdness I have with jasmine, nevermind.... it seems that she always said she intro female friends to me and I am not choosing anyone of them and comment that I am choosy...well how am I going to approach that lady when she told her of my numerous female friends and labelled me as playboy infront of them on the first day out..... its like shooting myself in the foot if i approach them .... silly... nevermind .. I do not think i am a playboy as I had never enaged in a relationship with them, just pure friendship. It's just some prehistoric homo-erectus who cannot comprehend such profound ideals that give me a mis-labeling... nevermind, I just go covert on this case.

sunday . .. haa rained the whole day. so did not go out to eat with mum till evening but in the end went to tiong bahru plaza, I do want to bring mum to eat jap ramen but mum as typical, was never going to take any non-chinese food so upon seeing a chinese outlet she went in. food was horrible errkkkyy... and we attracted quite some stare from those aunties.... thinking why on earth does this kid order 2 plate of noodles for mum's day.... well one thing they din know... was the food was SUCK!! I ain going to invest more in this restuarant as it's like pouring money down the drain... some aunties and uncles just do not have much of a taste buds....

Went bladding today not bad super hot weather but there were little traffic..... managed to have a smooth ride without getting myself a kiss to that pavement.... not a bad day...

I am going to complete my super hornet and phantom project soon. I just unsure when is the phantom group build is going to be held but this time I will participate.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Well in hostel now. Tidying up my FYP presentation. It is going to be a killer for me but then every ounce of resistance is gone during the exam and the FYP situation is in a irrecoverable situation . I just want to leave uni on time. I want to leave singapore for a while... oh well ...hope I will be able to get thro it swiftly.

Looking back. I had been lazing around at home for the weekend able to watch dramas that I had missed. It was nice. I looked back, Rover MG is now in recievership, take over by a chinese company and there is a chance that Rover will be made in China... oh well it will never be the same.. My first car that I drove as a licensed driver was a Rover 26, I had a cross country run in it. It took me from London to Scotland over 1 week. It was not that most comfortable car but it managed to take me home after running 2000++ miles.... that means a good car to me

I was figuring of getting a Rover when I can affoard a car but then it will be a Made in China will be different, different from the one that took me all the way..... The little black car that I nearly crashed into another blue volkswagen, the car that I almost burnt the brake when I was maneovring a cottage dirt track after taking a short cut and hit up slope and applying brakes constantly. oh well ... time pass on ...

CAnt wait to enter NS on 13th of may as it meant I can put my Uni life away...