Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Monday, June 21, 2004

Well.. one more week and I be leaving this island for a long while. I cannot wait to leave, I do not know why but maybe repeated attempts on providing a solution ended up in vain.

It's either there is no chance of improving the situation or I came in too late. Well...... this is sux..

Went out with mum on saturday to settle some stuff. Swim and blade on sunday. I think i bladed from fort road to the end of bedok well ain suree how far is that but ... to me it's quite a trip.

Saw a nice bride taking photos at east coast park. Simile at her and wish them all the best. I din know what with me but I am a jolly fella when I am at the park maybe the enivronment changed me.

I had concluded that I will create a milestone when I am in Hongkong. Its' been too long and I do not see that I am able to do it when I am in Singapore.


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