Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Monday, November 29, 2004

ohh monday...well i realised that I did not update this blog for sometime as ...well I spent most of my time learning java for my FYP..still very bad in it .. and also japanese..

Nothing much happened ... I refused to go out on thursday and friday cos I sick of town. Went for my last japanese prep lesson on sat. I felt that my japanese is getting back on track. Sasaki senseh was very nice when she gave us a pencil each. IT was not a ordinary pencil but written was our name and blessing to pass our test. I really appreciate such small but significant stuff.... I am really lucky to have her as my japanese teacher.

Out with Patrick and George after lesson on sat. Normal stuff we did, dinner, pool, eat again ..heee. Bump into Anglea n Fengxiang on the platform.So 4 of us talk...with large pause of slience.The girls and guys din know each other.... so aniwei I din know how Patrick fare on the last leg of the journey with FengXiang by themselves..heehee...

Ohh I swam on sat noon good weather...brillant sunny sky....

Sunday was out with mum as usual dim summed at Ngee Ann City.. not bad the food... wanted to treat mum at Gelare ... I know she like waffles and ice-cream but she din really like the price but she well just stuffed me the money ohh well mum...... will always be mum ... silly her.. i can afford it ..

Monday... study java and japanese in hostel.. yeah i am in hostel now...!! felt super bored thus out to Jurong point to eat during dinner.. was alone but ohh rather out then stick in this room alone... tomorrow I see how .. how far I can stand my room ..

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Monday.... study my japanese but still when I attempt my mock test, I still face difficulty...must put in more effort..

Tomorrow will do my programming in part to commit myself for my FYP. Nothing much happened but realised it's the holidays for all the kids was clustered with them...

Still uncertain what I want this christmas....ohh well maybe nothing..... haa.....

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Umphh ... First In, Last out......sounds familar..oh well...

Holiday is here soon, things to do :

Stash of model airplanes under review, which one should I do ???
Ohh yet to submit my entries for the F-18 group build.... X(
2x 1/32 F-15
3X 1/48 F-15
1X 1/48 F-105
3X 1/48 F-4..........................

aniwei going to enjoy my dinner with george and phillippe tomorrow.


Eagles forever!!

Friday, November 19, 2004

Umphh friday...still in hostel cos of the last paper on sat afternoon waht a drag aniwei it's an design paper, open book. There is nothing much to study... well let say... if questions ask things from the note (very remote distant proabilitly) I got those notes..If they din..... then no matter how I study there is no use.

I went to Jurong East library for my studys on tat module since they books on cellular comms designs.. I learn quite alot of things from ther..

Went out with jasmine...well I treat her in some nice japanese eatery, the food was superb and the environment was cosy.... felt good..

I manage to get myself a F-4 Cockpit resin set... ohh well realised that the WSO side console was not included.. I do not know why they came up with such dumd idea...aniwei I going to scratch build it.. I am now refocusing on my F-18 Hornet project, after 3 months of gathering dust..

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

one paper down ... how was it .. i din know just write and write..

Feeling rather tired and drain again ..but tomorrow another paper so must push for it ....

For freedom ...... it worth it.. going home tomorrow or going out.

I need to get some resin cockpit from marina as they are having sale. Finally, I can have some more detail in my future project.... "Showtime 100"
Oh day 14, feeling exhuasted and also mind fully drained. let hope everything just go smoothly.

I do not really look up to this but then it's my journey of life. Others have high expectation of their outcome but for me ... I just the slowly moving, normal people not those high-flyer..

I guess different people have different goals and now my goal deviate from the norm.... and I stay in a place where norm is good ... non-conformity is bad.... it's a flock of sheep culture in this island shephard by that great guy.... ohh well ....great... yeah right...

Monday, November 15, 2004

Am I such a failure??? Another thing had messed up even though I did not do anything ..... life sucks...

Sunday, November 14, 2004

ohh... well..

Did not update this for sometime as I was busy with my exams and other stuff... nothing much in particular.Met up with Christina on tues and walk around, and the the gang at Big O not a bad thing.

Friday was out with lian, my NS buddy. Had a good time at suntec wildfire. The pretty american acent waitress was there..heehee..had some small dishes and finished off our meeting at Galerie with waffles.. that was superb.... haaaahaa....

Evening was watching that show with christina and CK. and also walk around and talk about..Okie I admit my japanese is going down the drain, I cannot blame myself as I was focus on my academic but vowed to put in all the effort after my exams. Shirley was there after 2 weeks of absence at last some familar faces in class..made my life more bearable in there...

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Well...what happened ..what happened to me ? the easiest paper and i screwed it up ... shucks.. I know, I am not a good student but I did pay some effort in it and what I got for that in return. nothing... I felt betrayed and faithless.

it not my first time, everything I got those lousy grades, I feel lost as I had put in effort in it but there is nothing in return but beg for sympathy from markers. There is nothing I can do, I cannot blame myself for being lazy but just darn stupid..that;s all ..

WHat had I done to deserve this. . . . sigh ..... losing faith in my education life. I had concluded that I shall not pursue my master after this as I am such a crappy student and no point waasting money and time.

Evening was bad as I kept robbed of my cab, silly blokes who just walk and steal it right in front of me...why why .. .what I had done to deserve this sat...

Lucky I met up with christi..... she well she is nice, I felt at ease with her.... finally something to make me feel better after all these days of sad moments..... she is nice and we had diner and also walk around ..felt superbly good....have to leave early as I had to take the last bus home..sigh too many things to talk ..too little time.... looking forward to another time...

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

7 more hours to exam.. i going to die ..WOO HAAA!!! WOOooahaaa