Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Well finally weekend it felt good as it had been a long 2 weeks for me ... Last night was dinner with my ex-boss and the environment was very good and there is a strong sense of comardeship.

Over these day is pretty rainy and I feeling abit worn out during this weekend.. I wish I was in Singapore under the bright sun and I can jolly lay in a beach and read by the poolside...that was my life..but now ..maybe there is some nice stuff I got to give up .

I am looking forward to my Beijing trip a fornight later as that week is really a week for me to rest....

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Well thursday... the feeling of ease came to me as I had ended another project in my work. Another milestone as this is the first time I am the leader, bringing the sub-contractor for work
Overall the environment is good as we spend time discuss problems and brush off the I am the client shit but then he still pay some respect to me.. which to me .. totally not needed ..cos I just want to get the job done...

Tomorrow is friday.. a feeling of happiness and also freedom after last weekend of all those shitty feelings.. I felt at ease and begin to look forward . I hope I will bring fun to emi and dawn coming weekednd... sadly dance on this week..till 10th of june will be resuming .. i need to do somehting ... bake a cake or make tramisu...

Monday, May 22, 2006

Welll monday... pretty normal day today. Did not managed to clock any special event..just work and go home.....tiring day? not sure.... looking forward to the end of the week with emi and dawne....
Day 1...

Moving on and standing tall.... I shall never look back and be confident of walking down my path all alone....

Sunday, May 21, 2006


I guess I should do a weekly blog instead having those sudden post..

I had enjoy my trip in Bangkok and also work hard for that trip. I felt that there is no regret in that trip even I had made some failures along the way. I shopped alot for the family eg. cuttlefish and also those crackers... the flight and hotel stay was very very luxurious and enjoyable.

I returned home on friday around 12 and was super busy to make some minor details to my sister wedding dinner held in HK. So saturday was my last dance class for this season but still there will be new season on 10th jun that I surely looking forward to but now I am considering new things to keep myself happy as an occupied mind is a wonderful mind.

sometimes, I felt in the event of all else fails family comes in importantly to lift you up and give you back the confident you really need.. I was in total lost during saturday morning due to some minor relationship issue but after a trim of my hair, I had never felt soooo happy maybe cos the haircut is excellently done and it was flawless that I did not even bother to amend some of the stylist artwork...heeheee...maybe I was vain.......

Dinner was very nice as the whole family and clan came and everyone was happy... I was happy... so this is the moment that family comes in to me and lift me up...

Today I spend the whole day with my sister and her husband to do some shopping and minor eating... I was happy , everyone was happy.. maybe I had a simple mind and easily contented...but well...maybe I am simple..and that is what I am..and I do not tend to change it.

Sometimes I felt, should I be this good and be abused by the environment? or adapt to the harsh world ...and stuck to the belief that good man die first...???? I am still holding on to my religion that showing goodness to others....... maybe I shall resist the change and maintain my princple...

This week, Emi and Xinwei is coming to HK and will pay me a little visit. I am sort of excited by their visit as I had not see both of them for 6 months and well I do have close contact with them but ..still ... they could turn plump and all sorts... so I am aniticipating their arrival...YUPPIE !! ... friends.... good friends....what else does I need in this world (Another thought from a simple mind.... shit...)

Thursday, May 18, 2006

After days of being in Thailand and also 2 days of rolling on a van ... finally my project had come to an end. I have a great sense of satisfaction that I am part of the project and able to contribute to the product.

I had work till 12 mid-night in hotel and also waking up early but I had never felt this commited before. Maybe a pat on the shoulder from the project leader give me the extra booast..

Today I ate at A& spark my childhood days when I usually go there with my mum when I was in primary school. Gees..that was like the eightiess......but it does give me a warm and nice feeling. Weather in thailand was bad today with a heavy shower.

I had enjoy myself last night with a treat at Emporium, I felt pampered and happy after a hard day work... I guess it all works out .... finally .. i have the feeling of ease and relax...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Well I am now in Bangkok now doing work till friday. As much as I like it in here..Events that are brewing now in HK does not really make me to have a mood to enjoy myself. Well frankly, the only problem guys have is money and woman...that is what I think... for me, I do have enought to spend and so the problem is latter.

I could not understand why but time and time again things just repeats itself...when you are finally able to stand tall and approach the the thing you fear most, it suddenly came right back to you. I just want to seek something simple and have the ability to be the provisioner of care and warmth but when your arms are opened to the world, the whole world just splash you with ice-cold water... Things come fast and go fast... I could not understand why but I know I will move on but when will I think "This is enough" .....

I wish I could avoid this situation and be away from HK but then....the heart is still in seems it happens everywhere.....

Life just turn abit sour for me ...

Saturday, May 06, 2006

It been a busy week for me as Ken , my uni friend came to HK to visit me with his girlfriend. Overall they ended up shopping and eating.. one thing that amaze me was that he only bought S$200 to HK and managed to survive..... well minus the transportation thing, there is nothing much left but still he managed to return to Singapore in one piece.

I had a normal work week doing pretty minor but still important stuff and this allows me to rest well for the coming weeks of hard work. Today i pampered myself and bought myself a model kit and did not do much I woke up early in the morning to send ken off to the airport so afternoon was at home sleeping and resting ...

Last night me and ex-colleagues went to Lan Kwan Fong for some drinks after a nice dinner but that place is too errmmm I din like it i jus din like the crowd around there.. it's like boat quay... errmm ...