Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Well met up with bernard yesterday.... things are still within our control..... lucky lucky....

Met up with dad's workmate for dinner at holland V. We had 2 rounds of drinks which nearly drown me I have poor alcohol tolerance after that had Vietnamese food at some chic was superb but I like the lady in pink which consist of australian mango,cream and other nice stuff meal was nice ...but Mr Russell was a management person and thus we have different thinking or i was too naive.... nevermind ....

Tomorrow is new year eve..... no plans yet..too lazy to plan for it ...

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

我是生還者 ??
Oh boy... seems centuries that I had updated this site. .... apologies to any soul who frequent here.

Well it's seems that I had now getting happier in life despite not attaining the things I had now eg. girlfriends .... but I guess people change and their goals in life had changed. I had enjoy this month without much of the worries of woman and also feel postive about myself ...

Most of the time is me and friends or buddies or family ...

Did not do much but let's reflect back....

Christmas eve was out with keith and grace to double O for countdown ...rather okie crowd was so-so and music was not my liking..they are playing top 40 not my stuff.Friends told me two girls next to us were staring at me either interested or felt disgusted by me...i bet it was the latter ..and I do not play much concern about girls... I was there to enjoy... so I did not bother to inquire more or ask for their phone numbers, maybe my age had caught up with me and thus no longer believe in such stuff...maybe.. went home around 2am

Christmas was a day spent in Kbox with phillippe,maggie,george and gigi. We sang the entire afternoon and I cannot last long and lost my breath and probably sang from badly to worst. Our dinner was nice.. I like the sushi tei's eel..superbly soft and nice..... we want to eat dessert at Hui Lau San but then most of the stuff are unavailble...argggh....went to lido mc cafe instead..... talk about hongkong and singapore...... nothihng much ...

Sunday boxing day was out with family when I felt temors in carlton hotel...that the begining of the worst disaster I seen...nite time was at yan's house with tecksheng and only him...all others are unable to make it..but good food was there.... watch soccer and eat..nothing much but a relaxing nite...

Was out with makkio and jasmine last nite and tried Hui Lau San ... serving was large and nice ... isetan sale was filled with mobs of mad shoppers but I did not managed to get anything as most stuff are expensive compared to hk.....ohh well....

Wednesday, December 22, 2004 is 冬至 .. okie it something that is hardly heard of in this tiny warmy tropic island. Nothing special but we just follow the HK tradition, had a nice dinner that is equal to chinese new year dinner with the whole family. Sis bought her boyfriend along.... well parents were shocked at certain things that he is now but parents always shocked no matter what..

Today did nothing much want to get a new pair of spec but nothing came into my fancy... aniwei will look for it soon . Did a bit of programming today and was surprising fast and problemless... either I was lucky or getting better but I believe i am the former.

What I am going to do tomorrow ? thinking of going back to school but I am sort of comfy at my home right now and holiday mood is here..maybe next week .Get a swim tomorrow plus a tan if weather permits.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Well, been busy with the family. My dad is back from UK so going out often as a family also having the need to replace some old electrical stuff at home.

I was quite happy that I am able to enjoy the books which my dad bought back after I purchased them thro e-bay.

Overall the weather is fine over these days and I had my japanese last nite. the class was quite full but interesting people I met. I managed to wrote to my japanese teacher a christmas card in japanese after much hassle but effort was worth it and got her a box of belgian chocolates. She deserved it as she spend so much time with me in my revision...well I have to wait till next year before start of class she is going back for a holiday.

I had yet to purchase a gift for my christmas party on boxing day... maybe will get it soon .. christmas eve plan is still nothing .... I am still uncertain .. maybe stay at home and enjoy a quiet christmas.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Oh....shit .... well got my results... funk one module.. so the score is now equalised...It also means that I have the same recommanded workload for final year students of 6 modules in the last sem....but feeling abit sucks as the effort to overtake this recommadation is down the drain..

oh well... life goes on..

Dad is coming back from UK tomorrow so going to fetch him there and also my classmates in jap class are having a boxing day party ... something i am looking forward to... yeah ... I dont hang around with my uni people much ... it's me, i am the abnormal freak in there...

I just got some christmas cards and will be sending them out soon... something small and nice and also going to get some gifts for my japanese teacher tomorrow .. I thinking of some chocolate gift set from Marks and Spencer or Harrords

Monday, December 13, 2004

Oh... nothing much really happens or things just happen beyond my control .

Met up with keith sunday ate and talk ..aniwei I do realise that I just let life being control by nature as I believe that I am just a small element in this huge universe and thus I had no control over many things..

Woman .. oh..well talk about it with him but ..usual, din understand them and also started to not to brother to understand them .. I repsect their live and I hope I recieved that mutual understanding.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Ohh boy...... I had a bad tues .. I fall sick and was feeling super cold with stomach crumps and I could not sleep properly and also feeling constant cold...... sigh ... i am sickToday went to see the school doctor...and well they just gave me those lame carbon pill and lomotil. They ain really helping and still I could not eat and stomach cramps..ouch ... if things ain turning good. I am going to see some doc outside .... boy .. i hate this ....

Monday, December 06, 2004

Monday..spend the whole day in lab.nnothing much read up on Number Theory and other stuff with my partner bernard...realised that he know patrick..kinda of a small world...

Will not plan to go to school tomorrow as it's bernard's gf birthday so they deserved some days off together... so nice....

Me? Stay at home and study my stuff.... life goes on ... nothing much ....will not be much ..

Sunday, December 05, 2004

LAst nite met up with my buddy keith, we are fine and good ... and I do felt that he got overly errmm mishandled during his NS days that he is now protraying some sort of bad behaviour that you often see in camps. I believe that I will be good to everyone at first and only resort to mean ways if things turn badly, after all that ill-mannered chap going to face judgement day.

I also notice that grace and me and keith always provoke each other, I uncertain if this is healthy but after all she is a lady but there are times that me and keith just cannot help it ... oh well .. .

ARgghhhhhhh........... today had my JLPT 4... and now I am feeling nausea and brain drained.It could be due ot that fact that I did not sleep well over the past 2 nights for reasons that I did not know or I woke up super early today so as to fetch the ride from TeckSheng. . he is a nice chap hauling jacq, elaine and Yen to changi too. Exams was okie or uncertain, I do not like MCQs as they usually produce the 2 side of me..the worst and the best...I do hope that I pass this one.

The place was in a japanese primary school where everything is either make too small or too low for me..I was like a human entering hobbit's land...the seat is super tiny and my table moved whenever my leg move....but the things these kids made were interesting.

I did spent a significant amount of effort on it. Going back to school to clear my doubts and study there for the past 3 days.. I was glad that I manage to see Yan,TeckSheng and Jacq. They are fine but too bad that I had to meet up with my friends for dinners on both nights and could not join them .

What are my plans for the coming festive season....oh... FYP..tomorrow going to do it .. no matter how .. focus on it .. that is why I could not join shirley's full time class. I do like to if I have time but sadly I didnt..

Oh .. love life? still nil.......cant wait to leave singapore after all the Uni and NS stuff.... leaving here and begininig a new life in a new land.... I felt my life rather empty at times...

Friday, December 03, 2004

3rd day of dec.

Did not do my FYP, will shelf it till sunday nite as I have to concentrate on my JLPT. It's getting awfully hot today with no rain but I din mind it .... rain bring out the gloomy side of me. I cannot go to swill as I have to finish some japanese homework.

I have to go down to ikoma to find my teacher to clear some of my doubts.

Friday another week had is fast... darnn

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Ohh mid-week waht I had done? nothing ..for my FYP? I still din know.. no reply from my partner who had suffered from food posioning on Monday, hope he is fine..

Went back to ikoma as I have doubts in my japanese. Discussed for an hour...And I headed to the airport to fetch my "lo por" cakes from HK. Yup..with a lot of help from gigi. and they taste usually good...

I was late for Bridget Jones Diary... but not really late but only missed some adverts before the show. It was definite good and humourous show and I like it cos it's british and cos it's sometime awhile back that I had watched a interesting non-american movie..You guys should's not a show only for girls... dont be so's funnyToday...trying out java again and also AOL messager..