Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

today met up with my sup..okie ..our project is abit aimless and abit in ruins.... aniwei ...
I will promise myself that I will commit myself in it during the holidays.... hope so.

Busy with other school work... life is pretty normal.

Nite, dawn baked some brownies and well it was slightly burnt.. I din mind having them as I am now brain dead again ... taste not bad when you do not nimble on those black areas. Nice of her to bring it to me... I am now in the remote part of singapore... NTU ..mind you ...

She is fine now .. I do hope she will be happy in the coming days..

Tomorrow is mid-week..going back to feed...

Monday, September 27, 2004

well sunday means the weekend comes to an end.

Feeling fulfilled? i do not know. did my lab report and had dinner with mum.

Despite the dislike of my mum daily nagging and complaints when I am at home, I do feel alittle sad that I have to go back to hostel for the week..shucks.... i din know but I often have such stuff. Felt the comfort with mum and home...yet dislike it when I am in it.....silly me..

Aniwei going to be another week before going back home. I will survive.

Heard a story from a friend...ohh well I admire that person who endeavor and presistent in things she likes...

I just felt that they are a better person than i am I do give up when things do not goes in my way... Do i want other to conform to my way?

I do think alot of others but does that means what I think is the best choice for others? i do not know .. should i stop this and let other do or think what they wants?

Ohh well...brain dead... going down...

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Feeling good this weekend... i do not know why and do not want to wonder on it... enjoying it while it last...... life is good

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Mid-week.finally it did not rain... My clothes have a chance to be dried...

Nothing really happened...HRM was okie as usual....

Did not go out even though i really want to as friends were busy and I also feel the need to do my work..

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Well tuesday...super busy day... i mean, i was in school for the whole day till 6:30pm...

George came in and paid us a visit, had dinner in canteen 13... I am feeling abit stressed thus going to town tomorrow to rejuvenate myself in town.

I need food food... was over excited about the Godiva chocolate workshop held on the 30th as I am a sucker for those little brown sweet stuff.... ohhh they are good ..... haahaa

I am going to attend it if there are places.

Tomorrow wednesday..mid-week...

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Monday...feeling silly moody and tired.... self-induced stress. worried about work and other stuff. Nothing much happened....well...things smoothened out around evening..tired......san is getting better now, poor thing cooked instant noodles for dinner even that she is sick... aniwei she is getting better now which is good..

Tomorrow is another day..waking up at 7am..!!

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Ohh shit....a week did not update this blog...

I was super busy with other stuff and work... monday was studying ...felt okie but still nothing much happened..

tuesday met up with Lyn and Afzal for waffles at Lucky plaza..felt super sinful , i ordered one with 2 scoops of ice cream and also extra whipped cream and chocolate fudge but that is waht i called enjoyment. Afzal tried on his new suit..boy he does look good in that..aniwei he is quite a stunner in my own views.... its was not a bad outing.. These 2 friends are the only other ntu mates I went out with other than KEn or Jun..I Don know why but ... that's me..
Evening met up with yanyan...tried out that super nice TCC cafe opp specialist shopping center.... super big couch , lie there like a worm..super good ..

Wed and thurs finished my F@%!^ FYP review, did not look nice but at least I tried my best....

Managed to watch 3 Xtreme with shan on was sucky, and also only the hongkong version is disgusting....aniwei show was so-so ...but had fun ..after all ... it was a day i need a break. Jasmine intro a friend to me on that day prior to that show... gosh her friend really looked like EMily the strange...and had the slowest eating speed in the world... I could had finished a buffet while she was eating that puny mos fish burger...

Friday and sat went to esplanade to relaz..... gosh i really like that library over there...peaceful, nice view of the city..i just stone there ...look at the sunset listening to was good... haahaa

MEt up with jasmine and her super funny friends on friday too ..they were discussing TVB serials with so much emtion and knowledge...was wow about that but even better was they tlak about it in english ...well ... nothing strange..but ... it felt different..

Sunday today ..went bladed...not bad..skills improved..met up with jun... holiday just gone like this...ohhh well..... Shan still sick.... gosh ..big big illness.... bad bad thing

Monday, September 13, 2004

Sunday...din do much but seems I did alot of stuff. Spent the noon doing my japanese, at a snail pace. Latenoon swim...a few rounds. Went back to hostel to reformat my harddisk....very lukewarm about doing it since I am luckless in it......

Was about to give up when it cannot find some files during installation..darn..then left to chinatown to meet yanyan, yen and vincent and yanyan's friends from japan. Quite interesting...ate nice stuff and went to appreciate chinese tea in some of the tea houses..not bad ..quite cosy..

Saru bought some chinese traditional wear and wore it out right away...ohh well ..those "tong wear" it was not a good ideal to to wear the black color clothes on the last day of the 7th month in chinatown ..of course there are stares from aunties..... almost turning their head 360 degrees.

I was feeling okie with it...kind of nice to see a person in such wear to serve chinese tea. like some tea master haahaa..heehee overall was quite fun.

ohh yeh. I had sucessfully reinstalled my XP and everything is back on path at this moment.. hope it stays this way... Good Good...
Sunday...din do much but seems I did alot of stuff.
Spent the noon doing my japanese, at a snail pace.
Latenoon swim...a few rounds.
Went back to hostel to reformat my harddisk....very lukewarm about doing it since I am luckless in it...... Was about to give up when it cannot find some files during installation..darn..then left to chinatown to meet yanyan, yen and vincent and yanyan's friends from japan.

Quite interesting...ate nice stuff and went to appreciate chinese tea in some of the tea houses..not bad ..quite cosy..
Saru bought some chinese traditional wear and wore it out right away...ohh well ..those "tong wear" it was not a good ideal to to wear the black color clothes on the last day of the 7th month in chinatown ..of course there are stares from aunties..... almost turning their head 360 degrees.

I was feeling okie with it...kind of nice to see a person in such wear to serve chinese tea. like some tea master haahaa..heehee

overall was quite fun. ohh yeh. I had sucessfully reinstalled my XP and everything is back on path at this moment.. hope it stays this way...

Good Good...

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Well today is a day of remembrance..
3 years ago this day, our lives had changed either directly or indirectly.
After that day 3 years ago,
Friends become enemies,
Enemies become friends,
Lives were lost friends were gone,
Life is never the same. week is my week long break. Not really a break I was busy reading up my FYP research and really had no mood to do it on thursday...been begging anyone to go out with me but in the end I stay in my room and read and read. Today was not a bad day, supposed to meet emi up for lunch but she was tired after a nite of's okie, I felt bad that she had to work so late at nite..oh well hope her late shift is ending soon.

Thinking of blading and swimming .. in the end I head down to ECP for a blade..not bad. not many people and after a few falls, I managed to regain myself. Its been a long 2-3 months since I had such a long blade. Surpised to met up with my SQN people, saw Beefy...ohh he had not changed abit but it's good as it the same good old him. SQN had lots of changes over the past 4 years, going to get myself adjusted when I went back. I had laska at the new hawker center at ECP, it's not bad... not bad..... the road had been smoothen out over that area wider, even and can go faster...heehee...

Met up with george and gigi for a movie..Rising Helen, it's not a bad show..heartwarming and nice.. talk about life..both are quite okie about it.. GEorge really have big plans like saving up for the future....grown up now..big maybe i should grow up now? ? ?

I had for the first time open an internet banking account, yeah i know I am slow in it as I am not a believer in internet security...keep thinking of hackers or all those crap. But i need to use paypal to pay for my cockpit set from France...

I had not valiadate that french and thus I will wait for a few more days before sending the funds thro paypal...cost around S$130 but i guess it worth it as I can resell them on for better cash if i really need the cash . I do not think I will need them in the immediate future but one thing I know, they will be more expensive in the future...hope I really build them rather than admire them.

Black box cockpits rocks...

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Pythagoreans consider : Even numbers are female and bad
Odd numbers are males and good
1 is neither female nor male
A symbol of marrige is 5 consist of a even number and odd number

Saturday, September 04, 2004

There are problems in my family...

Every now and then mum will call and bitch about the faulty electrical stuff in my house,seeking problem..I am in campus or in hostel. She had difficulty in understanding some stuff after all she is a typical housewife and also do not have much education. I am not complaining about that but I felt strainful to handly my school work, my life and also the family.

I do not know if other folks have to do such things?... My dad is not in Singapore so naturally I am the man of the house... My sis...she just dint give a damn of what is happening. SHe just go out with her boyfriend on weekends. Well.... I do not expect much from her. So in the end, I had to rely on me......

I am feeling rather uncomfortable staying at home nowadays as my mum just keep on nagging about my sis and me and also anything... shucks...

Sometimes i envy my friends as their parents will take care of everything and they are able to focus on their stuff.... dad will settle bills, dad will fix stuff, mum will make meals and settle it herself..... me... i settle bills, i fix stuff, i had to buy meals back for my mum..... I had to manage the family.....

I guess I will not settle down early as this is really creeping me.... I now understand why I like to go out alone... It is the only time I can have the time for myself and my stuff...and do my happy things.... the only chance of freedom....

Life goes on.. i just want to bitch about it ....

Friday, September 03, 2004

Well.....I killed my DVD player...shucks... ohh well not really kill it but according to my mum, it was already semi-conscious ...tried to rescuitate it but end up in smoke... SO i need another DVD player.It was behaving oddly for a few months, refused to play and all sorts of problem.

Planning to buy a China player, so that it can play all sorts of pirated DVDs.... Long-Live China Dvds!!!

Went for lessons and I do see more people had join the class..not bad not bad...there are 2 cute ones....time in class will be better..haahaa...Had dinner with sasaki san, chat for awhile and wow she likes yoga..4 times a week ..woooo ...

Aniwei watched Broune Supremacy with sasaki san and yen, not a bad show...yen was fine but do have signs of flu...but looking at radiant and healthy..should be recovering soon.

Oh.... I had finally managed to source Testor's International Orange color...finally after days of looking at different hobby shops....sigh, it was expensive $3.80 per bottle..... the price is similar to what I get when I order from US i wish I got in HK when it was half of that price. Nevermind, my hornet is almost ready...... Hornet No.8 for Marine....

Thursday, September 02, 2004

well by a stroke of luck, my pc is now back to normal....strange, I was thinking that I will be living with some pop-up ads for a long time..but then..... haahaa things get better.

Today is not a bad day did some studies and also met up with lyn and afzal for lunch. Feel good.....discussion for HRM is the same.....stupidly slow.. hate this subject...

Cooked noodles as dinner .... not that hungry anywway. I will be cleaning up my room tomorrow, visitor are coming..Should not be swimming tomorrow ..rather do some school work... must work on it...

normal day............

Ohhh why do i bother to tidy up ? emi is coming down from her place to join me for lunch, I think she will be coming down... i do think it's a far far place..ntu ..remote..far place..but looking forward to see her...she is ever radiant....

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

ohh well, just recovered from flu last nite..felt like slug yesterday. Com was hit by some shitty spyware and now my homepage is some stupid site...shit..need solution to clear this mess. At least, I had access to my FYP computer now. I think I can consider it as one of my study area. quiet, not many people and also my personal terminal.... need not fight with the rest... heehee... tonite going to Jurong point for some nice meals, after my HRM presentation. it was okie but we had yet thought about any ideas for our project...shucks...