Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Just back from my aunt's place. Had dinner at her place.. I had been working for almost 2 week. The work place is in Wanchai and aplenty of OLs are working there...ohhh ohhh .... well not at my office but the general surrounding.My typical daily job is to verify any of the problems that France had regarding to the GSM module that my company produce, I will try to test it again or rewrite any of the C+ scripts to suit to the environment that the module being tested. So alot of hours behind the monitor.Working environment is good, usually we have good lunch at the neighbouring places like roasted meat, cantonese fried noodles or alot of other stuff. But compared to singapore it's slightly expensive as we dine in cafe places. Today we dine at the cooked food center which cost around S$4 but the stuff is not that tasty.I usually hang on at the office till 7 as I do not have much things to do or go after work. So after work, I will either take a walk down Causeway Bay to do alittle window shopping or took a ferry to Tsim Sha Tsui as the ferry trip back to Kowloon does save alot of transportation expenses.

SOmetimes I cook simple things like veggies with fish meat and noodles like what I did lastnite.. after that will do some laundry and watch TV.So far I am looking to tomorrow work as there are a handful of pretty girls who take the same bus as me ..heeeehee.... But then ... normally on weekend, I will visit my uncle to drink some soup which he made...Well that sums up all about a life being single in HK... yeah I live alone in HK... so everything is on me...

Din know how is singapore doing? Yesterday, a building beisde my office had a murder case as a female body was found in the air-con room...sounds ekkky.y...

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Well I had endured a week of work . It was an interesting week, under training with the French team . We work hard and also enjoy alot like meals under company account. Still cant wiped off the scene where we have 4-5 stacks of dim sum on the table, it's alot of skyscapers...haahaa...I am still learning alot of stuff and now working hard to suit myself to the team.

The only thing I miss is home cooked food. I cooked some simple things last night and felt good in it so will consider doing that too ... Met up with Amanda tonite with meal in a Thai Rest.. it was superb and with her driving, I was not really tired .... she is a wonder driver...Well meet up with uncle this sunday but tomorrow will be studying my japanese....

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Well today a day off, so spend the morning sleeping.. it was relaxing... I think my work place is very good, the colleagues are very friendly to me. I do not mind having OT with them. Had Cezch chocolate from one of the colleague, that thing is heavy with orange flavour..Saturday was spent going to City U to study my japanese.

And also had dinner alone at Town center managed to get some snacks home. I think being alone in Hk, I can focus more about my work and my future studies.. I am now considering what should I study ? MEng ? or Japanese or something different. I will find out more from HKU about postgrad course....Did not meet up with the girls.... feeling very moody with them...din know why ... tomorrow going to visit my grandparents grave...

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

started my first day at work. not bad... so far the team are helpful and the manager is supportive but till now it's too early to tell ...

Had another new co-worker with me but then, I prefer to work alone or not to be too dependent at this moment.

Did not managed to meet anyone for dinner as Lulu is have this queer request of asking sophia, but come on, sophia is in TST not in HK din bother to ask sophia, rather to had a meal alone... girls are soo queer...

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Well today had a BBQ with sharon's boyfriend's friends and jasmine and sofe. Well it is a nice little BBQ that differs from Singapore style. We BBQ our own food and also it's a smaller pit. We did have alot of food but it's sufficient for each of us.Camelia, Arthur's friend is very very tall ...towering at 1.71m shadowing most of myself...I was "woooooww" by the sight....

Yesterday was my first trip to Tsing Yi estate...very nice and organised like Tuen Mun..

Going to be working tomorrow...umph.. oh...hope it will be good

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Well it's my 3rd week in HK. Being totally alone and also finanically self-reliance. I am now trying my best to reduce my expenditure. I had been grazing alot of food lately and well I do want to skip a meal or two if possible as I had not do any sort of excersice for these entire period. One more thing, due to the mono-lingo of HK, I had not use my other language for so long that I am have some fear that they will just weathered away... ohhh.....I had not eaten a single home-made meal...for so long that I am dying for it. I only well drank my uncle's soup yesterday. Never had so much soup in my stomach in one go... Outside food is nice but cant beat a home-made meal... sigh .. Can anyone offer me a meal in HK??

Going to open a telephone line today as my pre-paid sim card is running low on cash ... sigh .. more money to be spent...I am planning to get voda-smatone as the sms charges is the lowest..Will not be getting a new mobile as I am still able to cope with my current out-date phone...
Well had a good saturday with my uncle and paid a visit to my grandparents' grave. It was hot and sunny but there were plenty of people there visiting their loved ones.I do prefer tuenmun as people's standards are similar across the area, there are aplenty of government flats and thus they are all the same. We went for dim-sum and had alot of food.... tuen town center is the same, still vibrant and good. It was a good thing to have MAcDonalds' as the PR staff are usually pretty and well-groomed compared to Singapore. I din know but just felt that there is a lack of professionalism among service industry in Singapore when you compare normal retail outlets..but well ..shall not be too biased on this issue...

Out with brian for dinner at Sek Kep Mei...nice nice food and very local environment.... another good weekend had passed....

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Well signed a contract that sold my soul to a French company for 3 months, the only thing that keep me awake in my company is the coffee, freshly brewed from Pacific Coffee Co. beans in the pantry.... haaha.. hope they wont fire me during the process...

Had a full dinner today, with roasted geese rice and well...out of no reason, I had a bowl of ramen in APM...kinda of nice to have good food and also good company of friends .

Friday, October 07, 2005

Well nothing much being done on thursday other than a lunch with sheng yan. Out for a while in town then back home. studying my japanese in the evening. I going to sign my contract later in the company but that is before my lunch with long had not see her, din know how she is now. Meeting jasmine and sophia in the evening to talk about japanese....

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I will end my freedom next wednesday as I had accepted an offer from an French company to work with them next wednesday. I hope I will survive in that company. I opt for this company as it's an MNC and it seems that there are more chance of progression in there.

I still think that I shall remain covert and low when comes to woman issue and shall not mention much things to my cohabit mate. I cannot see the point well, it's just an innocent suggestion to meet up with her friend for dinner but she seems to think way beyond that, that I am chasing so many of her friends at one go.... things are just simple in my life.

I just want someone to company me for meals that's all...

I shall adopt to my personal life tomorrow and well remain low when I met up with other people without mentioning to her..

I just want my life to be simple.. a dinner, just a dinner without any ulterior motives... gesshh...

Aniwei I have some thoughts about me and her, I do think that the chances are left to fate and it is rather slim... well got to admit failure...and see what I had done wrong this time..

Well got to wish me good luck in my new working life in HK.

Hope everything will be smooth..

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Well got a job offer but it's a on-site work for a project. It is located at Lok Ma Chau which is slightly far from HK. I am still deciding if I should take up this offer as there is this french co. that is really nice and I had yet to meet up with the HR department to discuss with the salary but its a 3 month contract basis subject to renewal. UMphhh....

I had considered myself quite lucky to have jobs after 2 weeks of landing in HK. I felt that my expenditure had increased significantly and needed new influx of cash to substain my life. Transportation is very very expensive and took a large part of my cash.

About girls..well I taking it easy as per usual. I do think that if it will comes, it will . But the overly eager me will just rush into things and spolit every min of it ... Sigh ... I dont know ...Hope things will be smooth ... but i know it wont be ..