Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Monday, March 28, 2005

I had a very happy week. Due to Easter holidays...
Went out with Phillippe to study at suntec on wednesday, it was quite productive and very good to experience a change of environment after hard work at studies, we ate at Tonkichi with george and Evonne, the food is superb wonderful wednesday.

Thursday ate lunch with Gigi at Tanjong PAgar, nothing special but it's okie. Spent the whole afternoon at the airport as my dad is coming back around 8pm. STudied hard at BK and PAcific Coffee. The environment is very condusive for studying . I felt accomplished that day. As usual dad managed to carry back all those items I had purchased in UK. Way the go dad!!

Holiday was spent with family and sat too. Sat had my japanese class with shirley and others smaller class but still not a bad. I had begin to feel less active on pursuing the opposite gender, maybe there is some defunct gene in me... oh well....

I guess I am in such state as I am busy with studies, japanese, family and my hobbies. The thoughts of having my hands on another box of model airplane keep linger in my mind....... I had vowed to finished another one after my exams... guess time to put girls in the backseat or even the boot......

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Seems that the my world is coming to an end now. Lost my mobile on a bus without any bloody idea of why ...... shucks... sometimes , I wonder if I am still not good enough and God still want to do this to me. I know it's just a lost of mobile phone but I had been good or well-behaved throughout the whole months and this happened to me ? Gezzz I felt that I should be evil and bad just to get some misery out of the whole public... sigh I do not know.

I begin to wonder what I will be when I leave school.... I sucks on what I am studying and will not be able to get a job or an employer will employ me with my sucky grade. I wonder what the hell I am doing, trying so hard and with little results.. whereas other blokes will outshine me with their little effort...... sigh .... this is not my game and I am losing every match...

It is most likely that my roomie who play games most of the time will have a better degree than me...... yet I am the bloody bloke who mug all day and out...... Shucks...... my belief of trying hard is no longer with me...I just wish the ordeal will end soon a few more months yet it seems far.........

I had requested for my NS to be resume on 13th May Friday, an auspcious day I think.... well hope they will allow me to go back on that date.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

It has been a normal week for me with some minor stress. Nothing much happened in particular on this week , lucky. Today I going to hand in my report to the moderator and well let nature takes it course. Managed to attend the IBM recruitment talk on tues and saw Jacob...oh well ..umph... aniwei the jobs offered sounds interesting and I think I will give it a try. I saw jasmine friend helping out there and realised that she is in IBM.. aniwei I din realise that then .

Was out to study law by myself at orchard yesterday as I cannot take much of NTU places anymore but the journey is long... DAMNNN NTu..... aniwei ...met up with gigi for dinner but overall was good. I managed to get what I want from the model shop and have a feel of a different environment.

I do enjoy eating sushi as supper as that was what I did last nite but I regretted not getting sake to go along with it ..umphhh next time...

Been thinking of my path lately, I am still rather uncertain about my destiny but maybe I will take the NS time as a period to discover myself.

Planning to leave campus after moring lesson tomorrow. I will most likely going to Jurong East library to study as I do not feel like heading home so early... but then that library is still a nice place to study.... I must hang on in here.. only a month + more.....
It has been a normal week for me with some minor stress. Nothing much happened in particular on this week , lucky. Today I going to hand in my report to the moderator and well let nature takes it course. Managed to attend the IBM recruitment talk on tues and saw Jacob...oh well ..umph... aniwei the jobs offered sounds interesting and I think I will give it a try. I saw jasmine friend helping out there and realised that she is in IBM.. aniwei I din realise that then .

Was out to study law by myself at orchard yesterday as I cannot take much of NTU places anymore but the journey is long... DAMNNN NTu..... aniwei ...met up with gigi for dinner but overall was good. I managed to get what I want from the model shop and have a feel of a different environment.

I do enjoy eating sushi as supper as that was what I did last nite but I regretted not getting sake to go along with it ..umphhh next time...

Been thinking of my path lately, I am still rather uncertain about my destiny but maybe I will take the NS time as a period to discover myself.

Planning to leave campus after moring lesson tomorrow. I will most likely going to Jurong East library to study as I do not feel like heading home so early... but then that library is still a nice place to study.... I must hang on in here.. only a month + more.....
It has been a normal week for me with some minor stress. Nothing much happened in particular on this week , lucky. Today I going to hand in my report to the moderator and well let nature takes it course. Managed to attend the IBM recruitment talk on tues and saw Jacob...oh well ..umph... aniwei the jobs offered sounds interesting and I think I will give it a try. I saw jasmine friend helping out there and realised that she is in IBM.. aniwei I din realise that then .

Was out to study law by myself at orchard yesterday as I cannot take much of NTU places anymore but the journey is long... DAMNNN NTu..... aniwei ...met up with gigi for dinner but overall was good. I managed to get what I want from the model shop and have a feel of a different environment.

I do enjoy eating sushi as supper as that was what I did last nite but I regretted not getting sake to go along with it ..umphhh next time...

Been thinking of my path lately, I am still rather uncertain about my destiny but maybe I will take the NS time as a period to discover myself.

Planning to leave campus after moring lesson tomorrow. I will most likely going to Jurong East library to study as I do not feel like heading home so early... but then that library is still a nice place to study.... I must hang on in here.. only a month + more.....

Friday, March 11, 2005

Well finally I had made it till friday. Was out with phillippe to watch a movie "assault on predinct 13th" kinda of a cool show full of leads and blood. Something worht seeing after being under stress the entire week . Went to the PC fair nothing much in particular I need to buy but just there to see someone that's all heehee.. aniwei just someone.

So far my hobby deals are doing fine. The items I had ordered are coming back to me and well at least those folks are not out to swindle my hard earned money.. heehee..

Last nite went home to sleep .. felt enjoyable afterall it's been sometime that I can leisurely go home and take a break . Now in pacific coffee waiting for GEn to knock off as I will like to pass her some of my japanese notes. Feeling rather hungry after eating that tiny mushroom swiss from BK. I doubt jasmine will call me after her party and I guess a meal at holland v will have to wait.

What is my plans for tomorrow? I just came out to town to get a tint of paint.. for my models.. yeah travel all the way out to get them ... no choice after all only town have models shops.. rather sucky.. umphhh .... tomorrow will respray my beagle again, not very satisfied with my paint session this morning.

Hope tomorrow will be a good day.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Today is another normal day but I am feeling some form of unease in the appoarching FYP demo..... feeling that a miserable death is inevitable.... nevertheless study on my academic modules.

Afternoon went home to collect cheque book to pay my soclitors... and hang out in shenton way area with Gen , she was studying her Japanese. I felt that she is quite intelligent and can catch up with the language quicker than me.. well I am just an below average IQ score of 65 FOrrest Gump....

I need more time.Nothing much just chatted with jasmine and gen for the day...

happy day for me.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Well well....finally I had see some light out of the tunnel, sup felt alright with my report with some minor additions that I can managed in a short time. I can forsee myself enjoy the thursday with friends out .. lalalalalala...............

Met up with some friends in uni, they are also as grumpy as me..sigh I guess we are on the same boat.. hope they will feel better.

Only thing to worry is my moderator who is quite knowledgable in my field of work hope he have mercy on my soul and not shoot me down...

Feeling sleeping but have to attend law lecture at 4:30......... hang on !!

My f-4 pit had arrived in the US, ryan just email to me about their arrival. It was quite fast consider that I mailed it to him a fornight ago.. my mum told me a package also arrived at my place so I supposed my hornet pit had made the journey over vast ocean and great continent in one shape....

Way kool......... F-18 D hornet ATARS cockpit set...ooooooooo malaysian hornet, here I comE !!!
Monday.. not a bad day, pretty normal. It's something I had longed for and hope it will stay like this but in reality, it wont last long.

Finished some studies on my academic work and watched Desperate Housewives. It's the only thing I watched when I am in hostel.... not a bad epidose...

Keith my best buddy is leaving for australia tomorow.. oh well sad to have a friend to leave singapore but it's okie cos we will see each other eventually. God bless him in his goals and life.

tomorow maybe callin up ken for lunch if not, I will just ate chocolates and study in the reading room.

Nowadays i am not a good fan of fighting the queue and eat something miserable. ....

Hoping for a normal weekend ahead.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Well still busy with work but now there is some period of time for me to take a break and some fresh air.

I was doing work for the entire friday. sigh ... aniwei i guess anyone will not think that is abnormal after all singapore people slept around 6 hours or less nowadays. I am one of them , you just want to extend your awake hours for your personal leisure after around 10 to 12 hours of work so in the end sleep is something of a secondary.

That is me, when I am busy, I will work till 12 + and do my lesisure stuff till 2+ if possible if not then work till 2+ and sleep. I had a normal weekend this time around. nothing much happened , met up with george and patrick over coffee on sat nite that's all ... I only pray for things returning back to normal.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

ohh well it's been a month since I had insert any entries, I had been very busy with my school work. It's been a month of change, reflection of life, understanding human relationships and grasping the reality of life.

Sometimes life just really turn for the bad but one must perservere and live thro the darkest hour of his life, I had my darkest hour in the month of Feb... To many it maybe some minor stuff that can shrug off but to me, it's something I could never forget.

I had now lost interest in the opposite gender due to heavy commitment in school work, friends and relaxation. I cant possibly get into this thing after all I only have a max of 6 hours of sleep every day and min of 3+

I wish this lifestyle will end soon as I treasure my other commitment in life.

Had a fall during blading at ECP , left thigh hurts alot..ouch... seen a doc, lucky it's just external wounds not something related to bones..

Fullerton is indeed a wonderful place to chill out...