Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Monday, May 31, 2004

Ohh it's june soon. Had a relaxing weekend, my heart just felt so relieved after my FYP sup reassure me that I can happily go back to HK for holiday. The project will commence when the school reopens. He is a nice chap with a nice kid, someone who is willing to part his knowledge to others. I will still study Java n ECC now till the day I returned to hongkong.

Went out with my mum for a while on sat.The GREAT singapore sale...ohh well going back to HK soon, no point buying expenisve, dull items. Went blading and ken(the coach) commented that I had progressed very well. I think so maybe after the practice last sunday. Everyone is having fun and planned to met up at the same place each saturday.

Had dinner with George and Patrick at Lau Pa Sat. Food is spicy but nice, I din really enjoy that after all there is this big ucler in my mouth.Went for coffee after that. Seems to me that Patrick have something he want to tell us.. I understand his frustration and unhappiness over girls.I am in the same shoe cant blame him but he need to put in some effort for things to happen.

But one thing which conccurred with George, he kept alot of things to himself and tell us after such a long time.... giving us doubts on that problem.

I doubt he need help in the problem he is having now, the only solution is to adapt to changes and evolve.I only think that he does not have motivation in putting in the effort to see the results and expect everything is laid out for him....ohh come on...
the world is not a such friendly place....

If he does not change , ohh well will reminds me of the some homo-erectus that got extinct...

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Umphh..where was I? Well okie, I spend the whole of tuesday to plan my timetable. I managed to squeeze most of my lesson on mon-wed. I should be a free man thursday onwards.

I had been trying to learn Java and so far it's okie but slow, after all I will rather sleep eat....aniwei had a sudden urge to go to Kinokuniya after work and discovered that they have those 20% coupons again. Okie spotted two books and got to decide on one of them. Ask those friendly staff to open, I settle on an F-102 Dagger over the Hornet.

I do appreciate Kino on wrapping those books and allow shoppers to take their time to read them when they open for you. I like my books in perfect mint, crisp, nice smell, no dog ears, no fingerprint condition... I did that as I do kept my books in such way.

After lesson, went to Califonia Pizza Kitchen for supper, nice food... I do enjoy their fuzion food. Hitch a cab hoome after that.

Well today went to register my modules, super KS and hitch a cab to school. So nervous that I will be late and screw up my the end it was the smoothest sweetest registration ever...... its a good day...YEAH!!

HAd a nice afternoon watching Shrek 2 with someone I felt comfortable and good with...I was super happy on this day... maybe it is an off day and I do things leisurely...lalalalalalalalalalaala.....

I am now feeling tired as I spend the last 2 hours studying for my japanese and completing the homework...Zzzz soon...

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Okie..had a long long weekend. Spend the whole of friday to ammend my IA report, the product was spendid but at the expense of my lunch and breakfast break It was paid off when me, patrick and george went to eat buffet at suntec. I ate a few "cows" that night as it was my first proper meal of the day, they do have nice fresh salmon.Met up with Sean at newsroom bar... ohh well...kept on drinking and drinking by 1 hour + I was already in tumbleweeds. I left early as I felt there is a need to ammend my report again and I was salmon red. Went to hand in my report, seen others it's a different approach then mine. Theirs was what they learn in the duration of IA, mine was the presentation of my product, ohh well.

Had a chat with my FYP tutor, he sounds alright and now I can go back to Hong Kong with a lighter heart. I was bother that that sup will assign alot of thing for me to do during my holidays... he din ..but I got to read up the basics.

HAd rollerblading class with my new gear, everything was smooth till i fall backwards and really hurts my hip area. I pray everything is alright.... PLESAE!!

Met up with makkio and the japanese class gang for Troy... everyone is happy. I guess makkio and sasaki san were happy to know each other. I felt good about it.....

I had a very good but tiring friday and saturday!!

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Busy tuesday. Managed to scout around for blades when I call those skates shop. Inline culture is able to have the blade of my size so hurried down to East Coast Rd after asking for early off.

Woohaa.... quite happy about my new blades. :o)

Had dinner with makkio, jocelyn and jasmine. I had not seen each other for sometime. All are fine..that is very good. But I am feeling rather tired after days of going out.

I had realised that my social life is very enriched and so far it is a good sign. Grace is selling bags with her sis. The Chew sisters, I do wish them good luck. It take balls to do such things.

Tonite, I will have my japanese lesson and also hope that I can catch Sophia and her friends....

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

I do feel sorta tired today. I do not know why, maybe it's due to my daily outing after work. It's fun and nice to meet up with friends so I do not mind. Had japanese class today, and went for supper with Sasaki san, Yan and Elaine. It's sort of nice to know each other better.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Oh....nice weekend I had..I had realised that I am a very busy person and in due course lost contact with some of my friends. I am VERY Sorry about that. Aniwei sat went blading, not bad ..but seems that the girls are picking it up faster than me....stressed.
I did not managed to get my own pair as they ran out of my size, okie I do have a bigger feet but at my height you have to understand the bigger size. Sunday pool was super quiet and so, just hang down there reading my notes and swimming a while...and got totally cooked...

Ha..tonite met up with Jocelyn, it's been half a year since I had seen she look more stunning now well that is what I think of her. Watched 50 1st dates with her, I know it's sort of like a old show but we both enjoy it. Chitchat awhile during coffee after movies. Boy...we have so much things to talk about, cant blame us as we had yet to meet each other for 6months. Wed supposed to meet up with jasmine and makkio for dinner, I do hope Jocelyn's results are okie and can meet up with us and it will be fun.

WISH her good LUCK!

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Well Well.......excellent weekend I had or sort of. Finished up work on friday and went to town. supposed to meet up with sean as elaine and passed us 2 free entry to zouk. Not really want to go there but it's free..but in the end din meet up. Boy I was blessed to have yan with me at the last moment. She took me to have dinner with her friend and to a nice cosy pub. Those folks are quite close and nice but just that its my nature of not talking alot on the 1st encounter. Went home around 1 + ..walking from Forum to ORchard, goolly...I tot I was overdosed with booze as I tot I was in Bangkok, Why? There are so many freelances roaming around but first visual, verdict they are once or still a male. There is one chap or girl, she/he was so tall and everything was huge.. for once I was dawf by her/he presence......boy think of overshadow by him and listen to his low husky voice....ekkkkkk I rann!! heeehee...okie..there is this chinese girl who well "wink" at me...similar to one outside CK Tang....ggeessshhh...I keep calm and haul my ass out of that area.... I did not expect such things to happen in ORchard...ohh well...I understand their difficult life they are leading...ohh..well GOOD luck..

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Well...val helsing...not a bad show..the CG graphics are not bad..and it's sort of like a movie with lots of fun. Seen a ntu student who I always see during preparation for exams....well felt kinda of glad that there is no exams this semester. Final report is in it's final leg and will be completed tomorrow, friday. The weekend is here again...yesh...

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

not a bad day. spend the day at work studying my japanese, it's getting more
indepth now and requires more of my time. I do not mind as afterall I like it.
If I din like it, the class will make me do it..cos I do have a affinity for them.
They are a nice bunch of people, shucks... how am I going to survive in future classes when I came back from Hong Kong. Ohh well, I believe that I am strong and will survive as I always believe in self-reliant.

BUt I will miss them...and of course... Sasaki san...she is sooo sweet and nice....
best teacher........
feeling super tired now...after learning all those japanese adjectives... brain is decaying but at least I got that done for tonight's spelling. Looking back, my IA isnt that bad after all as I managed to complete some tasks I will like to if I have time. I am studying Japanese and learning to blade... I have no regrets on learning these things. I guess compare to the rest in here, they will view me differently as all I am doing now is enjoying my life... oh well ... that I din bother or I din bother much about them now. I am happy leading a purposeful life. I had met new people and make new friends and they are as usual not in the uni. I do not know why when uni folks give me that strange look when they know that I manage to know so many people outside uni. I guess for me, I always look beyond uni as that place is just a place that's all and I am more open to people from all sort of life?I din know but as long I am happy I do not givve a concern. I feel like asking elaine, yan and jac for supper..cant ask sean as he is somewhere in india....sounds sooo exotic.....

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Well.... went out with mum to celebrate mum's day again yesterday. evening was at bishan park learning to blade..overall was fun...had a few falls, sweat alot alot..but not bad .... learning to enjoy it ..yeah yeah.... cant wait till next saturday. This mid-noon was at the pool was brillantly good....unlimited sunshine...came home ..tried to fix the aircon and welllll ... did not manage to get it fixed but was in a layer of dirt and ...went to the pool and cool myself... of course i did shower myself before entering the pool as I am very cautious of this stuff...can't think of a sweaty bloke that just dive into the pool ..with all of his sweat floating in the water..ekkkkkk...... .. .. ..

Friday, May 07, 2004

Welll..waht a night. Went to japanese class, somehow i realised that I am struggling in my lesson. this could be due the reason that I did not study it at all over wednesday.

When I left the class bumped into Fujii san, she ask me why did I join the other class and mentioned that her class is getting smaller like sometime only 4 ? well i cannot say real reason for changing (It was with those super clever girl it was freaking BORINGG!!! and I do not want to PAY $200+ to get the "Go back to school" feel in my jap class) I just said I want my friday to be free for other stuff. Sigh........ I think it will be better if she managed to get students in my current class. oh weelll...

We went to a small old ramen shop at cuppage with my classmates for supper or dinner... I was surprised that sasaki san agreed to join was alot and realised that we know each other better.

We managed to go to Bar None at Marriott. The place was nice but quite empty as it was a thursday. Had beer, talk , listen. Realised that sasaki san is quite cute in her own domain. I do hope all of them enjoy the night and looking forward to the next one.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Okie...seen a doc in uni yesterday.Had a day of MC, felt super good and well-rested. It's been rainning over the past days... ohhh well. Left my medicine at home DARN! I bought the cough syurp but not the paracetamol. Ohh well, feeling very "drained" today i din know why could be due the medication.
Okie i am considered to be one of those spieces that they seldom get ill but if they do it's a major thing..

Tonite going for lesson and after lesson, going to eat ramen with the class. Class is getting better...

Tuesday, May 04, 2004 down with nose is either block or leaking like a burst dam.These few days is superbly hot, I am melting. Tomorrow going to Ntu to see doc as it's cheap. only $6 for a set of pills. Japanese class is very relaxing, got to mixed with the class extremely well...tomorrow off day...hope i still got the energy to swim... I still like my new goggles... hee

Sunday, May 02, 2004

Had a good swim in the pool, really did not think I cant due the morning shower....the goggles are excellent, for once i can see the water clearly, I really like it. It's like I had regained my vision while in the water. I swam a hour +++ ended it when the pool starts to filled with people. I really dislike when someone bring their dogs to the pool, it may looks nice and nothing wrong about it but, this K-9 had a smell when I was near it. I really will jump out of the pool when that pup jumped into the water. The pool is for human usage no for pups to pee into it....hope those blokes remember that....
Oh..public holiday...filled with people in town.Aniwei went out with mum cos it sort of like a mum's day celebration. Treat her lunch at wah lok,well the food's not bad. So walk around... aniwei it's just accompanying her to get her a bag but in the end she din get any. I din shop around cos friday was out with jasmine, managed to get my goggles and a beach shorts. I do really like a new goggle as current one is blurred out..

Talk about age, it seems that I am not getting any younger. Lads around my age are getting married or well having a kid or two. Gosh..sometimes i think do i really have a problem in getting involve in a relationship? I din know seems that they had already got into a relationship, married and got kids..but I still yet to reach the earliest stage..ohh well... I just admit that, I am good at some stuff but not good at this particular stuff.I really din know the reason why they start the family so early and now complaining to me and envy my life. I know I have no commitments and free to choose around but since you are in that situation, why not salavge the situation and live life the best out of the worst? I professed that I am optimistic chap and there are not much hurdle I had been through but maybe I had a few big ones but I just use a postive approach to overcome it...okie i am just telling what I had did, I am not instructing. I am in no way in the position to instruct people what they should do, and I do not think it should.

It's getting hot in here....... I better go back to my room and sleep....

Aniwei I presumed no one will read my blog.....
To those who read it, thank you and have a happy life.

If life's without a struggle, it's not worth living.

Ohh..shucks..did not get any baby stuff for danniel's kid, umphh