Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

well monday..ultra boring....finished lesson and came back to hostel to do tutorials...felt productive....

Watched friends but got to say happy birthday to jun said it to her..sang her a song...and also took some photo haahaa... silly me ...

sleepy now ...

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Well sometimes, I do not know myself. I just blow up and made some big fuss out of some small matter...sigh .... I must learn to control myself.. I do admit that its rare for me to be in such a situation but then it is not an excuse to be such a big spoilt brat..... must control...

Today went out with mum...searching for vaccum cleaner and also bought a canno i560 printer. I nearly purchased a Epson R310 at $328 when they say they are giving an extra set of ink cost $ is true that it will make the printer cost $228, just an $40 more I can opt from the cannon to a better one..but... thinking of the total cost cannon $189+ $70, I still get the same package but $100 cheaper.... so cannon printer I got... I admit that my brain is starting to get slow and flexible to understand such situations... I am getting old... I believe I can see that cannon is a better buy given 2-3 years younger... ... shucks....

Getting old is not a bad thing but getting slow and inflexible in thinking is shitty...

I took the bus with the printer and reached home in one piece..same for the printer...... well I am a non-taxi person... do not wish to waste money in such stuff.... tried out the printer..... document print out is sharp crisp and fast..QUIET too just some shhhizzz shizzzzing...
.. very happy about it. I had printed out 2 photos on plain A4 paper... fast and clear..but there is slight bleeding... understandable when we used A4s..

Very contended with the printer...
Well had a relaxing day swimming in the mid-noon.Went for class as usual, I guess the class is getting more fun. This could be due to the reason that I had known them alittle better.

Met up with GEorge, Patrick and Dankwart...big big guy...Did nothing really as when I reach there it's was 8++ ...talked about life,girls..the usual... ended early.

Was on the train and we sort of or the whole carriage was eyeing onto this chinese national woman.....funny...heehee.... tease abit ....

I have to get a printer today..shucks going to brave the mob at Suntec......shucks..this year less things to see... din know why, maybe they had cut back on resources...

Saturday, August 28, 2004

HAd a good friday..went swimming with valen ..and stay in hostel in the noon ..clear the remains of my work. Out to COMex with Dwane..we cannot decided on what to eat...went to NYDC at first...things look rather normal and left to oilo....the atmoshpere is good and the staff is excellent. The food..well they are artistically decorated and tast not bad.. Will recommand anyone to go there for their dates... :D

Dawn was carryin a Windows 2003 book..I always admire those interested in IT stuff. Not that I din like it but I have a convervative nature in such things. I am more interested in the traditional stuff, full of human interactions.swarms of workers together...

Dawn was looking sleepish during the nite but nevertheless thank her for accompanying me...feels good to have someone around me ...

PC show was normal, finally decided on what printer I wanted.Feeling contented now after a noon swim and now listening to Louis Armstrong..okie it's an old song..but it's a good one...

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Thursday is my free to catch up with work. happy.
had some major laundry to do today and the weather is perfect for that.......
went home for dinner....nice food..aniwei it's a homecoooked meal so it's worth everything.

Thinking of doing work this evening but then, I felt the TV had been neglected for so long so I pay some attention to it....relaxing day...

Tomorrow weekend !!

Been thinking... I had been single for all these while and now trying to find the reason why I am as what I am now...... I cannot really find a clear answer....sigh ...... sometimes I am feeling tired being alone in my path. I will like to find someone to be with me...but then.. it's not that easy.... umphh ..... bothered...and frustrated......


Wednesday, August 25, 2004

well. I had survive thro is my super lesson madness day. study from 8:30-6:30. Felt super edgy towards the end of the last lesson as I want to go to JP to get some food.Gosh...going out of campus does really make me feels happy.

I realised that arthur have similar feelings as i am : When you stay in campus for too long you will lose touch with the outside world. You only show concern about the what happening around you...there is no media penetration.Bought some noodles, ham , drinks for the fridge....yummmy....power of fridge..I will be getting a can of whipped cream ... I just like to put the nozzle into my mouth and eat the cream..silly me....Tomorrow going to be a catch up day. Hope it will be productive

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Feeling mentally exhuasted. Well I did not plan that my computer will be infect with some worm after all I had updated my anti-virus software..aniwei I cannot update my XP as it was sourced thro some cheap ways.

Spent a hour to cure the problem .... sigh ...aniwei had a hard time in completing some tutorials.Brain is now working at the max now. Tomorrow wednesday..mid-week feeling very happy about it .. hope there is something nice to do after tomorrow classes...
had a tiring day today..went for discussion for HRM .......brainstorm alot alot...super super tired....had some korean cup noodles for supper....... going to get some chilled stuff to stock up the fridge...tomorrow another working day...

Sunday, August 22, 2004 was emi's birthday chalet.Went in on friday after moving stuff into my hostel. Well was anitcipating something nice to happen but in the the olympics thro out the nite..ohhh well .... when was the last time i watch olympics....primary 5??? seen alot of well built handsome women..... next day rush for japanese lesson...i was looking like a zombie...slept on the train...went back to chalet around the in many many many people......emi was pretty sweet in that little white dress...

Did not do much on sat nite..slept early as I was rather tired after popin by at ken's birthday on that same was a rush but fun.Sunday woke up ...went to eat dimsum at chinatown.slept on the train. reach hostel wash out that shithole....realised I had not slept well for the past 3 days... came back home had a good dinner with mum in IMM yunan, not bad.. not bad the food is not bad..felt super happy... I eat alot as I had realised I did not had a proper meal for the past days...proper meals will consist rice,veggie,meat....those normal chinese cooked food...tomorrow meeting ken for lunch and see what to do to celebrate for his offical birthday..

Friday, August 20, 2004 was the week? pretty normal. went swimming and bum into clara..she is fine but looks better nowas she is less ermm tanned but she was complaining that she need more tan oh well...

WEdnesday was out with amos and dawn trying to get present for emi but nothing really caught our eye. Dawn treat us for dinner after all it's a jolly day for her....she passed her driving ohhh wahh.... I know the feeling a couple years back.

Today will be busy moving to hostel and going for chalet..... busy man ....

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Well....... saturday. Studied abit and cleared some work and head for jap class.Went to chinatown for some US currency before going school. I hate much clutter and people.

Japanese was okay, still able to grap it after 2 weeks of non-lessons.Teacher look so radiant... I understand ..I also have the same look after my trip.

One important thing was teacher remember my birthday...she gave me a small present.. I was touched... I never had expected her to remember a student's birthday.......

I was very very happy.....She is really a wonderful teacher.. remind me of my schooldays.....aww..............

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Well..... had a very long friday. Spend the afternoon cleaning up my room in was layered with conceret thick of dust,made me snezze badly. I was thinking I was going to be down with nasal problems. I do have nasal problems but it had been subsided after years of medication. Went home feeling super super tired and well after a well deserved shower head down to Centro with friends.

I do not understand what happen to me last nite but I was not myself, I cant dance, I cant enjoy myself... I was losing it ? aniwei I do not really know why as the music is good I like it but ....... shuchks......I need to know why soon. . .. ended at 3+ and slept at 4++

Thursday, August 12, 2004

My head is feeling heavy now. This could be caused by the work I did today, yeah I was in the library from morning till noon...feeling very tired now.

I begin to lose my singapore accent when I speak english...ohh what had happened to me ??!@!?
I started to speak in a very queer manner..ohhh my..... I must think of PCK when I want to converse in english... maybe losing some of those singlish accent is a good thing ?
Failures made a man stronger and lead him to success

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

24 years old Day 1 ..umphhh pretty normal day. School as per normal.
Happy 24th Birthday kiddo....

Monday, August 09, 2004

Umm had a eventful weekend. Out with george and patrick over the saturday. did the usual of chatting and also see how each other is doing + celebrating my birthday. it's not a big event just a coffee treat but it's the buddyship that signifies the meet up. GEorge finally turn lusty like me, keep look at girls with handful-size jugs.. aniwei frankly I admit I protray such behaviour too, I do look at girls. My philosophy is guys are born to be such. it's like humans, we eat when hungry..simple.. only crap faggot deny doing that but continue to look....lowest cheapest form of creatures that gives all the shit about not doing that as they are not horny... >> if you ain horny you are a gay.. simple....

Went out on sunday with mum to eat alot simply as it's my birthday treat had 2 meals at crystal jade. I was looking for other stuff but mum only like chinese food so mum get what she likes. Crystal Jade's stuff is okie not that excellent when compared to Hongkong's any simple cheap eateries but I do miss hongkong food and this is as close as i can get in here..

Very sadly and foolishly went to suntec and do not know the entire singapore was there, wait very long for the bus ride...Aniwei I do think the bus system should anticipated such mob of people and could have provided extra buses but then ... society is not ideal.

Pop to zouk with emi, dawn, huli and their friends amos,esther and ... shucks i forgot..darn me... had a nice time dancing, dawn and emi are great dancers with such high level of energy.. emi was quite happy with the clothes I got for her in Hongkong and she look very pretty, she is quite nice looking nevertheless......... I felt proud of my taste and happy that I had not lost IT. There is something in me that is not found in other blokes, it is something I felt good with it.

I saw Giles and his girl, handsome dude with a cute chix..envious..aniwei cannot believe they get a non-alocoholic drink that taste worse than cola.....taste like some water
also saw happy to see such a good long old friend...and also another chap from Radar Eng, he is friendly and nice..... happy to see so many people in there...
done about 4am+ then I was super tired and begged others to leave...haahaaa.. I am feeling old....aniwei went home slept at 5am..woke up at 10am to hit the pool with 30 laps.... I am now feeling over stretched in my human capacity...but I will go running later... I am crazy but I am happy ...

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

School..finally my week is over... well not bad ..but today I felt super tired after the last class at 6:30pm. Maybe it is due to my past 3 days of ending class at 5++ but aniwei I know i can make it as I have a high tolerance ....

Radar eng is getting interesting, the main reason is that we are learning as much as we can and not based on some stupid timefame and thus we are able to inquire more and make it more intersting. I wish other crappy modules are similar but they are dicate by the objectives at the end..sigh this is not happy learning..but then ..... I never had a happy learning experience in uni.. it sucks but i learnt to live with it.

Tomorrow will be my study day and friday will be my FYP day...umphh see how much i can achieve by then..meeting the girls on friday nite....pity..that is the only thing I can look forward too for the week...what i will do over the weekend ? sigh ..pity cos I wanted more...

Emi's birthday is near..waht else should I get for her? umphhh ... let see ....

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Well dont know what up to me today...feeling super stressed and moody...encounter mobs of nus students in red t-shirt, they did not approach me. I guess my moody face does shows to the public.I am sorry that I do not give a single cent today but there is something up in my mind now so i cannot really think of other stuffs.

Taking a break from work and surf the web for a while...... I do not feel that stress now but maybe I had completed some tasks and also other need to do things are not that hard to achieved after all..umphh ....

Sunday, August 01, 2004

It's august, my month..ohh well my birthday is near. I do not foresee any major celebrations for my day.. i am quite okie with it after all it was the same every year...

I do not know why but I still have the thinking that I must return to hongkong after my studies. I have been looking around Singapore for the past days, I do not feel that I belong in here. Singapore is a fine and a good place but the problem lies in me.. Despite we have the same asian or chinese values but there is a vast differences between Hong Kong and Singapore. Maybe the contrast will be less when the time goes by ... I do hope this will be the case. . . at this moment I cannot accept anything singapore. I do not feel singapore in anyways inferior or bad compare to hongkong but please do accept me as a "new arrival" to this friendly sunny island that need time for adaptation . .. . . . . make the courage to meet my supervisor, i do not know but everytime i do not feel like seeing him maybe there is this feeling of landing more work onto me...aniwei he is okie and ask us to learn more about my stuff okie i shall not disapoint him by at least commited in my work.

I had been thinking of my friend ...Well should i commit or disengage...thinking of it i think i should give it a go and disengage get my arse out of that as soon as possible.. I had realised that I cannot really commit to a native as I still feel there is a huge differences in our way of life despite that we are under the same color...sigh ... this does give me another reason to return to my home after uni to start my working life..

I had an interesting japanese lesson today. Sasaki san was nice as usual but she is going back to japan for a holiday. She need that, as I cannot bear the mind of staying in Singapore and going back for only 20 days a year. ... Hope you will have a good trip and enjoy all the nice japanese food.

Met up with patrick and geroge today, geroge seems to be better and now focus on his future. I am glad of that. We played pool but was not that engrossed in it ..i do not know maybe of the soccer and geroge was watching the koreans vs iranians..... had coffee talk abit and also talk about our future...all of us were thinking of further studies....same here.. but I had now consider not to do that in my field as i do not want to get too deep into it and be a educational staff... no way... aniwei too early to tell. My only wish is to get the hell out of uni quick and go to UK if possible.... once i am there...things will be different... Now have to relieve my periodical mood..... going for ebay to look for goods...

I LOVE PLASTIC MODELLING...........          Revell RULZZ!!!