Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Well. Friday went to study till 3 at hostel then come back home. I had tried out playing those old 80s cantonese songs on my hi-fi..super nice and retro.. remind me of the days of young. Evening was a good one watch cellular, not a bad movie but with expected ending. I need this sort of movie after watch 2046... heeehee... Met up with a friend for that show, not a bad evening talking after that show. She was troubled but then there is little I can do, sigh felt so powerless at times..... hope she got better.

Today went for that mock exam, it was hard....shucks...kinda of expected it as I only studied for my uni exams not this japanese one.Finished and go..ikoma had moved to a better and nicer environment.Brighter than last time and also more up-class. no longer I need to go to that "SIR want massage??" plaza next to Le merdian...the view from shaw center was also nice ..can see the whole downstreet of orchard...wooooooo heehee..

After class, I normad around with my HRM studies at Esplanade and then forum, it was halloween so Forum was filled with kid in nice make up .. but seeing them make me happy cos remind me of my past... Managed to acomplished what I did today.... not bad for a starter...
Bought dinner home from ngee ann city...totally filled with people here and there..but din stay long...

hey I met up with Ugene, my NS,Course,Sqn buddy...he is fine with a nice girlfriend .... he is sort of worried about getting a job but not in a hurry in studies.. I admire such people not to be pressurized by the environment... sigh I wish I can be like that.... but then, I am not him... aniwei I got my good points ..heehee.... sleeping soon... Realised something, ...neh...

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Well..ending this week now.. shucks means that exam is coming. But anyway, life goes on.. study and R&R.. else will just die early.

Been under the mecry of the weather these days as my washed clothes will get drenched by the rain...shucks... .

So far so good i mean ..well yeah exam is to study ..but ..well also need to survive... lost my momentum but still walk on in a hallow body without my soul...

Tuesday, October 26, 2004 tired lots of lessons.

nothing much happened.ate 2 meals of fish... ohh man what happened to me ? a seal?
Must watch ladder 49 but still yet to find people to watch with me.

I know exams is next week and alot of paraoid and KS friends are in full gear in getting grades... "Pass is can one but i want more than a pass" ohh well okie, that is nice of them ...

I just want to live my life as it is ... life goes on
Well not a bad weekend. Went to watch 2046... i did not felt perpelxed by the story line. typical story you expected from it.Saturday went to blade in the afternoon and attend class.

Well class was okie... sat beside a super fearsome looking girl.... well .. i kept my distance.... 3 hours of freakish fear lesson was alright but deep inside i do not feel prepared for it.went to play pool in the evening..haa fun... not a bad day..

Sunday and today i managed to met up with jeff and his mum. went to see merlion at fullerton.. it's nice to see people you had not see for so long.... was happy to with them .

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

mid-week, the smell of sweet freedom is here.

Had a long and tough tues. Hang on in the comp lab to complete my HRM stuff... totally waste of time. Looking at it, all those students who were there are doing HRM. sucks but now its OVER !

Today presentation is okie, some of our group members' belief came true. Only Finanical part is needed for presentation not the ENTIRE whole shit.... hahaaa SUper happy it's over

I had managed to dried my bedsheet after yesterday sudden shower..... it could be wet now if not for my roomie who collect it on my behalf.......wet week.. not advisable for laundry.

Ended class at 6:30...started at 8:30...wowoww..... yeah long long day..but fufilling...

Resting at hostel tomorrow by not going to school but study.... how about that for resting?

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Well, left school early today and attended a UK Science and Technology seminar at Sheraton hotel, grand event alot of guest from UK came in. I did realised that most of them are there to network.

Ohh well welcome to the real world. I was not much entertained or bothered by the rest after all. I am a schoolboy. There is this IEEE president Mr Fong talk to me for awhile, nice chap.

The seminar does make me know one thing, passion is needed inorder to developed what you like. Do I have passion in what I am studying?I really felt lost in what I am doing now.

As usual, the seminar is the norm eng thing. I can see that they do not pay much attention to the food, lots of spicy stuff and chicken wings.. come on, how are you going to eat it on a plate with a fork while standing.... ?? Spicy stuff..... well maybe IEEE think the brits like curry so they must like spicy food..but guess not ...

I did not learn alot of eng stuff from there but see how humans behave in such environment... shucks.... I am getting more non-eng minded..

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Well waht happened yesterday?

I do not know, while eating at crystal jade with mum.. I saw this girl that caught my attention. She looks like a student from ntu but i am was confuse, this girl assets were huge but the girl I had in mind in ntu had normal assets..

I did try to refrain from looking at her but she did give me a couple of looks, I was confused.Either she notice my sheepishly peep at her or she found that I was familar looking. nevertheless managed to leave the place without much incident.

During Japanese class, managed to sit beside Cheerie....ohh she is pretty... did have a couple of looks at her..come on .. I am just man .... nothing much happened, coming week the school will be moved to Shaw Center which is good as I do not like that sleazy orchard plaza...

Sunday want to go blade but my tired bones told me to sleep ... so I obey and study some stuff at home. Went over to george's house to see how is he.

He is fine, preparing for his new job. inquired about his trip in hk. It was okie but I cannot believe sharon will do such a thing to him ... ohh man, she is really mean . Okie I had only listen to one side of the story but, I had seen her blog... She is rather heartless and unfriendly to say that she had wasted a year plus in a relationship with george... come on ..she is the one who make the enagagement...shucks... ohh well george... he did have learn a valuable lesson.

Sigh ..hope he had better luck soon. I cannot stand my best buddy for so many years being accused of wasting sharon's time.... unfair ..but aniwei I know george better than it that insane woman who is having emotional and social problem of her own ...

Thank god, george had ended it early and have less damage being asserted on himself.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

ohh a week since i had updated my blog..Nothing much had happened this week, come on .. i am a schoolboy..what can really happened?

ather enjoyed my end of the week events, went home for dinner on wednesday and study that nite, I really just do not have the ummphh factor to study but I just study for the sake of studying..There is no passion in it... I just want to pass and left that forsaken place soon.

Out to Esplanade on Thursday, studying there. not a bad place ....Friday, finally I managed to leave my school without any guilt as I had completed what I supposed to do.

Was at peace center, looking at those plastic models and also checking out the poster printing cost. Plastic side, there is not much new stuff arrived there. did not see anything of interest. Study at mac till 5++ . poster printing is expensive..

Met up with C.K and also christina to go to an art exhibition.Not bad not bad ..those painting. I went to the Singapore Art museum before that, something a change from those charts and diagrams I see everything besides, friday after 6pm is free admission.

We sat and talk over the dinner and walk to padang.... and sat there on the bridge over singapore river....having small talks..but really something I need after a week of so called isolation.heehee talked about alot of interesting things.

Today went for that japanese revision class..super tired and sleepy as there is no interaction only listen to my teacher .... super tired....

Monday, October 11, 2004

sunday...At home rest and also study...Did not swim around noon had a long long and nice chat with christina...well din realise there is so many thing we can talk ..guess she was vocal and went IMM with mum

I did not feel like moving back hostel tonight but need to do my FYP interim report and that sickly HRM stuff....

sigh ... sad to see my mum go...gosh..i am so old but still have such feeling but i guess she is rather lonely at home alone these days as sis is on holidays...

Just got message from Dawn that she like the notepad...gosh that is a relief as I was not expecting she will like it so much but i do really fall in love in that notepad.. silly me...tomorrow monday..another day..working hard..!!

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Let see what is the time now ? Singaporean time 2:15am.Well.....I had remembered...that lady name or how people called her.. c.k... very friendly person.okie nevermind..what i did on saturday and sunday umphh ..

Saturday,Spent the morning studying and also my ongoing project of the F-15 Flanker. went out with mum for dim sum and sadly i got to left her to get the present for dawn.. yeah it was last min as I was rather occupied with the cough syurp monster and baddie pill for the week.

I already had waht I wanted in mind, a notepad from PRint but I still want to look around,Borders stuff was nice but rather uninteresting. there is this nice Willam Shakesphere's notepad but look rather old.

Bumped into Jasmine and walk with her awhile, and she managed to help me to get some paper bag from taka as Print have those nice transparent bags but not very good for today.

Japanese class was okie fun and well surprise surprise.......managed to talk to one of the nice looking girl. she is studying in nus biz... now i know why she caught my attention ..aniwei she tot i was a sec school kid..ohhh welll compliment? din know but i was rather happy with it ? haahaa

Went to dawn's birthday ...crowded but I did not mix around much as my nose was in a bad shape... so stay indoors and eat those non-BBQ stuff... she is alright.... but well someone messed up her hair....i did not talk much too ..sigh ..... aniwei her cake is nice..chocolate...yum yum... i like chocolate too..

Went home before 12 as I was not in the situation to to jasmine on the phone for awhile as I had a hard time to catch up with her

Saturday, October 09, 2004

umph .. friday.still sick. i mean i am phyically okie but .. inside, it going down the hill.

Going to see a private practitioner soon.ntu doc are nice but..not that effective...okie feeling the cough suurpy is taking the effect..zZZz now...

Today .. nothing in particular other than the normal stressful life as a ntu undergrad leading a underdog life. after lecture went hostel to study, did not want to sleep but study...ohh well. ..

Maggie aka my phillippe (my roomie) girlfriend came over to bring some life into our dull forsicken till 4+ then lynette suddenly skip one lecture and want to leave school, I promise to lend her my tutorial for over a week but with no luck so after a quick wash and then rush down to meet her on the train.

Well, we studied on the train which is rather silly .... but oh well it works in someways .. then we parted. I went to Shaw Center @ beach rd to see some plastic models.. gosh ... in the stupid stressful mind of mind, I was tempted to buy a 1/35 Trumpeter Chanllenger 2 in Kosovo markings... it was cheap $15+ but .. my better side of me told me not to.

Must fulfill my day of study so went to library @Esplanade to study. Super productive in there listening to soundtracks like the thing you do, riverdance, U2, UB40...gosh 80s old hits..and study.. I loving it. the view is eyepeeling..

Met up with yan yan and her friends, ShouTong, phillip and also christina and WAKEUP !!!! fight the cough syurp monster !!@!!! shuckks forget another one's name. WE had a nice time chatting. I do enjoy phillip's talk and also his phillospy in life. Gald to be there. LEarnt alot from the mature but interesting old man.

Had a jolly good friday..... I had given in to the cough syrup monster...must live and FIGHT another daY! !!!

left the place and

Monday, October 04, 2004

Fall sick today now on a personal course of panadol. hope everything will be fine.Did not have the mood to attend other afternoon lesson. went back to hostel and sleep after medicating.Feeling very tired now... argghhh but I will want to do work....
woo..friday, went to the chocolate workshop not bad ..quite fun but no one was there so rather lonely then . ACtually jasmine do not mind joining me for dinner but her day of taking those japanese high school kids drain her out. Managed to did some studies on friday.

Saturday was nothing as usual, went swimming not bad ..the weather is back ..unlimited visibility but no girls in the pool so just swim and swim. Lesson was okie , i mean japanese. At night, sister treat me and mum for seafood.the standard had dropped significantly.. so sat as like that.

Today went out with san. Well godiva called me up and said there are extra spaces and did not realised I had been there so I accompany san there. They recongise me but what the heck.... we did thought of watching movie but could not think of one till YuenYuen called us and said she had 2 tickets available but she was busy. so we took that movie.

It was part of the movie at the japanese film festival, not bad quite funny but meaning of the story is abstract...but we did laugh quite a bit..good for san as i think laughter is also a good medicine for illness... poor girl still having the residue of illness.

We went to raffles city for meal, thai express. had green curry and some lightly fried squid. san need to get some coffee at raffles hotel, quite a posh place which reminds me of Harrords in London..... I love London...sigh .... but i am now in singapore...

Tomorrow another week. got to work hard.....hope everyone is fine.