Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

well hot hot hothot weather in hongkong ... 37 degress in some extremely unlucky mine !!!

Shopping is excellent the only thing i must keep reminding myself is the limited amount of cash i had. Clothes are nice and cheap... Bought mostly le coq sportif and polo jeans stuff.. heehee..

Good good food... I will like to swim but the price is rather expensive like HK$18 per entry that is very expensive.. I will see how I can do ...

Will be hidding in shopping malls and other air-con places at this moment.... so far I ENJOY my trip..heehee...


Friday, June 25, 2004

Well today, I left the company heavy hearted. It was like I am departing from the warmth of a family to an outside world. My supervisors had taught me well and the perms are good. I sincerely thank their time and effort in imparting wisdom to me. I do feel bad on the mistakes I had made. I walk out of the company under the late afternoon sun, I felt today another chapter of my life had ended, a happy ending. I had grown up and matured to understand the people around me. I had moved on and happy about it.

Tomorrow I will leave for hongkong to start another chapter in my life. I do not know what beholds there but I am willing to try out new things and also remember the things I was taught while at work.

From my supervisor:

I am currently on course, so unable to do farewell for you guys. However, I do wish you all the best in any of your start points in any company that the Lord may bless you.
There may be sometimes that I have fallen short of guidance for you guys, and hence you may waste some of your precious time here. Still by God's grace, you guys managed to still pull through very well. I am very proud of the performance that you have given.

Wing Kei, I would like to encourage you to ask more questions when in doubt. You have an added advantage with a cute face and tall build of yours, I believe no one will refuse you if you need any help. You are a fast worker, however, do always double check your assumptions and logic flow. Else your efficiency will be erased by your rework.

okie lar... i sound like a old law saw woman, giving my last words. Well, I enjoy working with you guys and you have done well. You can always get me at this email if you need any help.

Joyce Chan
Umphhhhh it's friday and I be leaving this island in less than 36 hours..yuppiiee!!!

YEsterday was my off day so I went for lunch with Dawn and Emi, I do feel that dawn do look abit more sophisticated now. maybe she was in nice working clothes.Went blading and had a jolly good time but made a fall when I was avoiding some pesty kids. I had mastered the basics of turn, stopping and also fooling around when I am going real fast..heehee.

Lesson was not bad but feel abit sad that I have to leave them for my trip. we had supper together and was fun.

Guess it's another end of one of my chapters in life..but it's a good ending.

Monday, June 21, 2004

Well.. one more week and I be leaving this island for a long while. I cannot wait to leave, I do not know why but maybe repeated attempts on providing a solution ended up in vain.

It's either there is no chance of improving the situation or I came in too late. Well...... this is sux..

Went out with mum on saturday to settle some stuff. Swim and blade on sunday. I think i bladed from fort road to the end of bedok well ain suree how far is that but ... to me it's quite a trip.

Saw a nice bride taking photos at east coast park. Simile at her and wish them all the best. I din know what with me but I am a jolly fella when I am at the park maybe the enivronment changed me.

I had concluded that I will create a milestone when I am in Hongkong. Its' been too long and I do not see that I am able to do it when I am in Singapore.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

heehee..feeling very cool and jolly now. My presentation was over. It was rather uneventful and I felt I can really make it if I prepared for it. The thought was with me when I was presenting to the Dean but it was lost during the trial run. Aniwei the worse is over. I felt I had completed another milestone in my life and ready to move on.

Tonight going for lessons and I think I can still gather the energy for supper later but first...kinokuniya is the place I be going after work. Need to enjoy and also show my happiness to the whole world. I am a simple person that is why most of the time I am happy.

Need to make preparation for the trip to Hong kong and also consider should I take the plunge and do something I had never did in my life..Should I take the risk?? well... ..
Just focus on my happiness now ...

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Well mid-week, this morning i was rather edgy as my sups had not discussed with me with regards to my presentation slides. Was worried, the feeling of willing to get the job done but do not have the ability to. Ohh well.... Xavier, the perm staff who is going to DSTA is giving us a treat at chinatown.This is far far place when you account that my workplace is AMK but then when you have 4 wheels things just get a bit nearer. The food is not to my taste, as it is vegetarian. I do not like such stuff for years as I believe that a meal should have meat, veggies and other stuff. Had a hard time ? not really. I am just unacustomed to the food.

Tonite 7pm i be on channel i as I am an extra actor in one of their documentary. ohh well I really din know what I will look like..hee.

tomorrow is the presentation, bullets will be flying around but i'm prepared as I was riddled with bullet holes yesterday. I believe if you never get hurt, you will never learns. I guess I am one of those who learn things by the hard way.

shit going to cut hair today and shucks no time for mum to record MY SHOW!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2004

ohh went pool with george and patrick and had dinner with them at bukit timah.. well want to meet them as patrick is going for a holiday in some part of china.and when he is back i am going back to hongkong. pool was okie not that bad..average of me.cough or sore throat is still there ..darn....

Today went swimming and met up with Carabell, boy she is tanned and look too toasted. But it's nice to see her again after a while of her abscence.she is alright and goes blading too so i guess next time i have another partner i can call for blading. Suddenly last min friends all did not turn up for blading..super turn off..aniwei it's not a problem I can always do that alone...beside I can perform something I cant with friends around. .... now felt super tired

Friday, June 11, 2004

well oppss it's been sometime that I had wrote... so how was my week? Work is okie ..presentation slides are done, joyce was happy with it..Cheerrss....

Tuesday had a nice lesson and it's very nice of Derrick to treat us supper. I was not acustomed to that and want to pay but then both of us are from the airforce, I understand the service culture.He is a good man and going to TOkyo soon...Good men will have good fortune.

Wednesday onn welll sick of boring..did not do much ...went home after work...slack.. do not want to work on thurs so get a MC.heehee and managed to baged one..ohhhhh ohhhhooo... I was not that sick but on the stage of recovery, fever had subsided to a lower temp but still nasal area is kinda of blocked. Went back home had a nap and EAST coast park here i go...woo hahaaa..blade like no tomorrow..alone .. not many people on the road exp some kids having their holidays.After that was enjoying myself having a cup of mocha and cake and doing my japanese homework at was sooo relaxing.MEt up with jasmine, she want to intro her friend to me but did not make it so rush for lesson...class saw me with blades..was "wwoooooo" okie i was the more active person in the class..heee ... in the end managed to know jasmine's friend.. she is kinda of nice and refreshing...

Monday, June 07, 2004

Had an interesting weekend,

Friday it was supposed to free after work but then Jasmine called for dinner, no one dated me so okie..why not? Went to orchard to meet her after going to causeway point for a while.Surprised that I seen so many people, my japanese lang teacher, former acjc folks, jacq and her friend.

Aniwei, she want to go for drinking..i was errmmphhh and she have to inclination to meet up with my friend so call him up and arrange for a drink just for the 3 of us..... overall coversation was rather up and down, as I was uncertain waht I can say and what I cant... as I do not want to make a bad impression... but my friend was good in prolonging the conversation.

Saturday air-con was fixed and I was surprised the amount of work they have to perorm for clearing out the drainage pipe.It cost $40..after seeing all the work, I guess $40 is worth it. Out with mum for shoopping, she was eyeing on some marks and spencer clothes...and was happy to bagged one.I waas...well I shop online for my stuff and clothes.. I am going to hk soon..

Sunday went swimming. superb weather and I was doing lap for hour then went blading even joann and liyun call it off at the last moment..I wan to learn and want to enjoy the sea breeze it was so comfy......

Friday, June 04, 2004

Ohh today is friday, I am feeling extremely restless and have no motiviation to work..shucks, I must wake up and get touch my burners real soon. I cant just surf the web till 6pm?? I am not such person.

I had a happy day yesterday should be last evening... japanese.. it must be......kino no bann.....duhzz...aniwei after class we went to eat our supper at that kaya toast shop at killiney road, curry chixen was not bad......but I am still feeling cautious about eating that. After all the intense heat and such spicy food will just create pimiples on my moon crater face.

Well sometimes i just cant understand my friend. How should i put it? ohh okie...

He does have the interest of knowing my female friend. So fine, let meet up for dinner and let the ball rolls but he complains that it will be awkard to do that. Fine, we go blade together.....negative negative.... he dont know how to blade and dont want to learn as he is scare of falling...

(Personal comment : The only thing that will fall off from him during blading will be his ego)

How am I supposed to help him???
I cannot just ask my female friend to attend his activities? after all he is a man......ain he is the one who suppose to adjust himself to suit the lady???

Alot of questions being asked from him like does she have a boyfriend ? does she have high expectattion of guys? ......
I ask why..he said he do not want to be a 3rd party and take other blokes' girls... as he do not want the same shit happening to him..okie point taken.....

(Personally I think he does not want to get involved in a situation where he will not prevail. I understand that, why invest in something which will not gain any returns)

Put those questions and stuff to yourself you think he is only interested in courtship??

Now he said he is only interested to know her as a friend and nothing more at this looking up...but looking at the questions he posted to me...A girl with boyfriend cant befriend any opposite gender party?A girl with high expectation of guys cant befriend any normal guy? a lesi...okie......shall not explain more...

He is contradicting himself rite???
Show him another girl among my blading gang...I can see he had break lock...and reaquiring another bogey.....
or should i say...What he wants????

I am feeling this kinda of a kick in my groin bitchin as he is my good old friend and that girl is also my best friend and she is a nice girl.... so I do not want any wild weasel to hurt her..

I do not know waht to comment on that, is he not bold enough? I do not know... I only think he will only act if there is a high degree of winning...then again this is love...there is no such things as 100% win....

Ohhh well one advise for him. If he want to act, act with precsion and accuracy, take the risk, no risk no gain... geezzz and he teach people econs. does the risk shit sounds familar to econs blokes??...not loiter around...and wait for shit to happen...

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Well had a nice vesak holiday.Tuesday night was out with my japanese language classmates for karaoke. We were supposed to meet at OCBC but it was so hot that some of us decide to go to mos and wait for the others. Inital headcount was around 6 but soon it spread till 10 plus people at was alot ... aniwei I brought jasmine, tresa and makkio along. I do hope they are able to know my friends beter. My classmates are a bunch of good people. So in the end around 6 were singing but this time I really enjoy singing as sean was there supporting me..waht a lad!!.....

Wednesday went swimming the sun was shining...made a few laps and head to east coast park for blading. Alot alot of people but I did manage to overcome the fear of the crowd in east coast park.Made a few dramatic fall..but overall was okie.JUn was there but she was busy learning new stuff but I managed to know some new friends..overall was fun...looking forward to coming weekend.Now I am feeling super tired.....