Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Friday, July 29, 2005

Well stayed at home the entire day or almost, I had lost the motivation to go back to camp to rot thus I gave myself off and vaccum the house as my dad is returning tomorrow.

Met up with Sophia for brunch as she is the only one who is free and nearby on this normal workday for everyone. We had Mac and well walk to JE. Its was pretty normal. I return home and went swimming but did not swim much as they are relaying the tiles on the pool but swimming was such a joy as it made me relaxed and happy.

Managed to watch crazy in Alabama, it was a okie show but no worries. I did intended to go town as I need search for some decals for my plane but since Maurren could not meet me up for dinner, I resort to rot at home. Went to the nearby place for dinner and return home and completed my Japanese homework for tomorrow. Time really flies when you are busy.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Met up with sophia last nite for dinner, as usual she is awfully late and well attempted to make her treat supper and she did. She does have everything under control but still suffer from minor boy-girl relationship. I guess after having company for so many years and now got to be alone, sort of hard to adjust, she was fortunate that there are guys who are willing to company her but she does need to take her pick as she is going serious with this coming one, whoever is that one.

ME? still hanging on, as I got more major issue to settle now and I still think of devoting the time to my parents first.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Well today ended with a very happy tone. Last class of the course but everyone is jolly, I was jolly as I am now able to break free and release from my conformed character moulded to me by this society. I felt that I was not given a stare or anything but just we are the same..

Tonite there is no differences in gender and all of us had fun. We are just a group of kids having no concern of each other motive in this course. We accept who we are. We are able to follow the instructor's move excellently and despite that our move are not execute in perfect style but to me, it was the best I had done and the results are shown. I left the studio as a happy man but sad that my small group of friends wont be with me for the next course, Margaret is going overseas and other have plans... I also have plans but I will not give up on this, I will pursue this when I move to a new place ...

I had fallen in love with dance.....

Monday, July 25, 2005

Well watched ET on Channel 5 just now. It was nice to see the 80s again, days when I was a kid and I am still in the comfort zone from adults. The centipede at the playground where ET changed a ride from the van to the BMX is familar to that one I played when I was a kid in Tuen Mun.

The BMx.. a 80s must have for kids, I longed for one and got one at redhill. It was a blue one with a little bell on top. I considered to be pretty stylish taht time.. (haa..) The days where Computers are for scientist and geinus and we are stuck with real toys like board game and flurry animals and those die-cast matchbox cars.... missed the wonderful old days.

There was a scene where ET knew making phone calls after he watch a show where an grandpop phone across the states to listen to an family with a kid. They exclaimed that it will cost a fortune to make a long distance.... yup it was cost a bomb and my family only did it on seaonsal occasions then....we were very very delighted when we hear our relatives voice over the phone...sweet memories anytime anywhere...I can reach anyone anywhere

But ET is much more interesting than War of the Worlds both under the same director, maybe 80s make me look like a kid again but it's a feel good and happy movie for ET where aliens came down happily for a can of coke and joyride on a BMX compared to the recent alien where they just zapped everyone and suck their blood. Personally I was really happy that I stick to ET tonite and did not surf the channel as I was more interested in waht was on MTV channel.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Well did not go out today, despite it's a sunday as my original plan of going to blade in ECP was postphoned till din know when cos of the weather.I did enjoy the exclusive time of being alone at home, reading book and also doing my hobby. Building a CF-188B hornet now, sprayed that plane and awaiting it to dry.

I had been reading alot of books lately and China Dog is a nice book. It consist of a couple of short stories about chinese mirgant moving to Canada around the 50s and I can say it does remind us of our elderly generation, felt so close with this book after reading it..Chinese migrant moving to a unknown land and work day in day out. It reminds me of my uncles in UK. Very warmly feeling after reading the book.

I had also reading a femalish book now called "reinventing mona" it's sort of like Bridget Jones diary but it's quite funny and interesting. Well I need to widen my choice of books, guess I did it from Human Origins, thrillers to such stuff..

This story is about Mona who want to get her child-hood sweetheart called Adams, but the trouble is she had not ever commited to an relationship before thus she hire a "professional" for help. The pro is a columnist for some male mag eg MAxim that degrades woman in his monthly articles.. so far I had only read half of it. It's quite interesting.

I managed to get LUX roses and wine that comes with a nice smell. Awfully cheap irish product but its good . I got sick of those sports smelling shower cream at this moment.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Umph Saturday.

Went for a swim downstairs and did not really lap much due to the incoming weather. Spent the entire afternoon watching LOST on Axn. It is really neat that they put them 5 epidose per week from 12 noon till 5pm but of course due to my jap lesson, I have to leave after 3 and half hours.

I just managed to sqeeze all the juices from 10 oranges from my fridge as my mum bought crates of them (joking..) and they are turning bad soon if no one going to eat them. I can only consume 2 a day so this seems to be a better option. I do have freshly squeeze OJ in my fridge now with lots and lots of plups. I like plups as they make you think the juice is pure and not those from concentrate..

Tomorrow if weather is good shall go blading..

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Wednesday mid-week. I had finished an entire novel from last nite till just now. It was a simple novel that could be suited for younger audience but I do have a feel of finishing a novel as soon as possible. It was written by a bus driver from London called restrain of the beast. Talked about fence mending and the 3 fence mender..Quite an interesting book compare to Origins of Humans.

I was in luck to be able to catch a friend for dinner tonite as I was tired of eating takeaways from coffeeshops. They are oily and just bored of it for eating it everyday. Met Jovene at Holland.V, we pop by the FOS store that I will never venture there even I have time but they do have neat clothings which are similar to that one found in City Square. But nothing caught my fancy which may be a good choice since I can save on my wallet.

HAd pasta at NYDC, it was errmm normal as I was too in-depth with other stuff to think of what to eat. But the company was good and I do enjoy tonight's dinner. I managed to learnt alot of stuff like fishes or wildlife from her. I was more into human origins and the creation of the earth's wildlife.....

Felt hungry just now and had some biscuits and chocolate milk.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Well talked with someone from school today. She studied overseas and back for summer intern. She offered me a different presecptive in life. She always want to do something she like in life, I can only dream of that when I was in her age but she was happy with what she is doing now. This is perhaps the luckiest thing can happen to someone, the money could be little but the satisfication is good. She mentioned she enjoy waitressing despite the low pay but offered her alot of happiness. Oh.. maybe she came from a well-do family where money is not a priority in life. I do not know but I will remember her saying :

If you are able to make someone's life happy or brightened up their day just by being nice or say hello, it will be a meaningful life. Boy...wish I could do that.. all I can do was just twiched my mouth to show that I smile alittle when I feel like being good to someone..

something for a tot.

Had dinner at Carl's JR yest after class, it was good the serving was big and it was a very happy moment for me over dinner. Their service is excellent but I am uncertain if they will upkeep this level of service once they have more customers. I also felt that for a $10 a burger meal which is almost 45% more of MAc, this could turn small eaters which are typical in this island off. Wish them luck ...

Friday, July 15, 2005

Convocation was a blast, it was the last time that I will see so many of my friends at one time. It was rather okie without much fanfare and it was alright. Did managed to took photos with alot of other people.. Gald that I made it that long.

Went out with makkio and yusuko and miho n gang to have a dinner at macau cafe at bugis junction. Only the portuguese baked rice gave me the best impression of all.. but over all was good. We went to Liang Siang St for some coffee and sadly I order a coffee with whiskey which did not even taste good. After a couple of slips... I just let it rot....Managed to chit chat alot of stuff.... quite happy about it

Monday, July 11, 2005 went to SIM for was a long long long enduring tortoure for me as it's 3 hours of the same module... I had attend longer school hours in NTU but this is 3 hours of continous blah blah blah blah.... ohh....still have more to come....but the things covered is interesting, just that I am too old for long hours of class..

During night class, I had a new instructor. she was call Jennifer...I had a hard time catching up with her and her style definitely need sometime for me to adjust... I miss Alicia... arghh... today I felt my bones just broke after the class.....ouch..

I will just drag my body to work tomorrow.....

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Begin to reach out and explore the areas where I had not before. MAnaged to understand new things and of course accept new environment so far it's been motivating.

I had put my japanese into good use over these days. Last night had a dinner with my Japanese friends and it was a intensive lesson for me. I had a hard time to catch up on their conversation and think in their language but I believe I will adapt to it soon... I need some time...

Thursday, July 07, 2005

I was rather joyed that London had won the 2012 Olympics but why do I have any concern about things happening in London? Well, I do have fond memories of it after recent trips and prolonged stay during my early teen years.

This evening, I felt my heart had sunk when news of the blast came thro my mind. I was rather uneasy over the fate of my dad. Well he works in London and in the London Underground. Sense of worries ran across me as mobile phone was congested over there after my calls, but soon came relief that my pop was alright. He e-mailed me oh boy..thank god....the feeling was short-lived but not really want to have it in the near future.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Oh... watched War of the Worlds... and Initial D all in one afternoon in JB.. cheap and well minus those pesty "smart" audiences who were behind me discussing the ending or some crap.

WOW... about some alien that came to our earth thro some lighting and into their sotong looking machine that was buried millions of years before since we existence... managed to rise up one fine day when we observed that Tom Curise have a lousy day at work and begin to zap people into millions of pieces with their "hoo-haa" zappers... Tom and his family ran and tried to escape and somehow the aliens die off one fine day and our world is safe once again..then came with the ending that qouting something about the earth thing...umphh ohh well..sound so Victorian times...

I was rather confused with the ending ... why do those sotongs just started to walk in a queer fashion and lost their defense system? These made them a free-frag for those GIs with their big TOW anti-tankk missile.. and then the ending was showed with all the sotongs keep falling down. . . ??

I wondered is it those alien or visitors that sucked too much of our blood and infected with Aids and lost their protective sheild got killed off? ? But one thing to figure, if they like our blood so much why do they have a goofy good time blasting us into pieces at the first place.... it's a rather waste of food dont you think so? Guess those highly intelligent beings were not well-taught in table manners...playing with their food..another thinking ..if they will like to treat earth as their playground, why dont they just come and suck us dry while we were still living in cave holes instead of when Tom Curise arrives with a bunch of blokes with rockets? umphh aniwei overall it's a nice show but I take intial D over this one this time...

Aniwei the movie ending was based on the novel written by HG Wells (1898), that was concurred with the classic version of it (1953). Those alien blokes that are so smart with their zappers did not figure out a way to fight earth own bacteria infection and got quirkly and died off.... oh well.... at least Steven Spielberb did not change the ending...else it will be called Independence Day ...Again..

My advise to them : Better luck next time.
Okie..finally I can say that I had recovered from the illness and pain I had been having these days. Was at home the whole day, baking myself under this heaty weather with a afternoon swim that cool me down. The pool was empty which was good as I dislike crowded ones. Manage to catch up a few laps and well din even took a nap in the noon.Busy studying my japanese... quite a normal day. . I presume.

Tomorrow shall go back to camp's seems that I had not set a foot onto it since last wednesday.... oh boy... that feels good

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Oh... I just finished with the Super Hornet project that took me 3 months on and off, fitted in a black box pit that is absolutely gorgeous ...and of course twobobs decals..... and some Paveways from Hasegawa. I felt proud of my new "girlfriend" she looks excellent and guys in my field do admit it too.... well shall be happy and start on my next project for the phantom group build....

This is life.... this moment....plastic, glue, paint and harmful chemicals....

I just visited Art Friend at Ngee Ann's cool that they bring in all those Badger airbursh products and of course the most important 3M gas filter that will keep all those toxins from my lungs....
Well....still on the path of recovery. Went out early before my class starts today, we did some new moves which I have absolutely 100% difficulty in following. . ... gave up half way and instructor was commenting that I should not just trash it out of the window...and should tried my best.. I understand what she said...managed to catch a bit more later on.. aniwei I hope next class I will be better...

Seems fate had change the things in life, what happened to be so close yet I did not realised it... but then it's okie it could be a start of a entirely new activities that will bring joy in my miserable life.... shall not hope for more just wish for a simple nice return...

Monday, July 04, 2005

Well read this article in today's papers.

It was about marrying your first love and it seems that in our generations, there is a slim chance that we will be marrying the 1st love due to many complications we have now comapre to our past generations.

The article was true that we will try to have different company and thro that we will narrow down our selection that will be more precise and accurate... I agree to that but how about , not even trying at all cos at that moment you know that it's is a waste of both time if we had tried?

Sometimes I do have that thoughts on somebody... maybe I could be wrong..
Oh boy..... A series of unfortunate events had happened to me... I got stung by some sea creature while I was paddling my board out. I was improving.. as I managed to get the sail up and covered some distance till that little dumb shit took my foot as lunch.... Went for a jab and under medication... I am now $30 poorer.... contribution to the medical society.. My foot is now swollen like a pig trotters and it's a pain the ass....arggh!!

I managed to limp my ass to cineleisure for a movie cos i bought it last nite... din want to add more misery to my bank account "Be with you" "今会いに行きます" "Ima-Aini-Yukimasu" it was a nice show, it was funny at times and the cast are nice but the story was excellent. I was very touched by the twist in the end of the movie that made it more special.. I will say , it worth my $9.50 for today... i guess not alot of people want to know the story... you should just watch it show ..... "世界の中心で、愛をさけぶ " or "Crying Out Love In The Center Of The World"

Saturday, July 02, 2005

"Can I have a italian BMT , a foot please ..... with extra cheese and mustard..." The attendant just stare at me blindly as I felt she had not receieved a order of a foot size long subway before from a thin, slim man..... ohh .. yeah that was my dinner..

It was a good feeling to have a foot long of those monsters under your hand and savour the cheese and the onions ...with mustard.... I was not that hungry but still able to swallow this monster without much effort... it was good food anyway and I do not foresee myself being fat after that little piece of bread.... I will just get taller ...hee.... nothing much today still on the path of recovery after a nasal infection...just sleep , eat, sleep...