Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Today managed to finalised our plan for our FYP... after discussion with jie. It was a simple task for me, just modify abit of my own stuff, what make me tired was getting those numerous e-mail out to different sup for my FYP. 1st stage done. So tired that I felt asleep on the train to lesson. LEsson was very very DEAD, I felt very lucky that I did managed to get into the Tue-Thurs next term, looking forward to it. Keep tempting Tommy to join me in the defection. seehow. Called dawn and really want to meet her up but she was with her colleagues, I can still opt to join her but..ohh well my mouth was unable to articulate and then ask her how was her swim then hang up. What a dumb prick!@!@!!#.. ohh well I admit I know zero about such things..sigh din know how I am going to get involved....darn...sadness part of my life..

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Tues, wow.. nothing much happened. Ohh yeah e-mail to that sup to ask him about the FYP. So far so good, will see how he respond or if he ever did. Had lunch at AMK, that coffeeshop owned by NTUC. The roast pork and soya chicken was okie but what really okie is the intense heat, felt half of my body fluid was gone.Only a MAc's wafer cone help me to stay alive, it was heaven.Updated my saving book and it seems that I had over-estimated my spending and now I got some extra cash, oh well save it for a stormy weather.

Did not work much today as jie was having meeting with my co-worker. She will get back to me tomorrow, spend the time finding emi and clement on friendster, still did not managed to.Ohh well did some happy shopping at Marks N Spencer, bought some easter eggs with praline in the middle..they are super yummy. also almond nougat with cheeries...heehe feeling super happy with them. Oh easter is near, I really need to resist the tempation to get so many easter eggs...okie I am behaving like a kid but come on, when I was a kid I can never afford one so now just a reminder of my childhood.Just think of the Transformers and G.I Joe in the market now, who are the buyers?Childhood so nice so innocent and no worries..sigh..

Went to funan want to find dawn but she is no where to be found.SMs her no reply call her no reply...shucks...guess she is busy... I am being optimistic that's all as she just did not feel the need to reply to me. oh well...I'm just a nobody. Feeling kinda of moody now. Shrugzz... life sux but I got to live thro it......

Monday, March 29, 2004

Monday.. not bad ..had a relaxing day at work as it's half day for me. Had lunch with my workmates, sounds rather stupid as I can easily leave before lunch but opt for 2pm for my leave to starts.Come back from lunch only talk talk ohh well pack up and leave.Saw timo at the station and was wailing about those Jap soccer players who just move in and taking up all the girls in my estate..ohh yeah ..din bother..Head to the pool after home as it was soo hot, managed a couple of laps then shoulder blades are aching guess I had swam too much during the weekends.Talk to Timo awhile and also about the Jap soccer player... nevermind. Back is now burning as I really had sunburnt but the cool feeling in the water under the sun.Went to see doctor..ohh well as a HSP (See link for what does HSP means) patient, victim, Genetically defunct human example, the report was normal. I am a healthy normal male.

Evening did not do much ehhhheeeh.... Dawn is talking to me now..wooohoo..she is sick well hope she will get better soon. Guess I cannot call her out this week. Maybe I will find her after her work then go home together....sounds perfect....but it's only sound right....never knows.

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Woo...long weekend.friday met up with jun and lisha and jasmine, well talk awhile then head down to's was quite sucky but ..still okie and headed to geylang to eat..but the main event was heading to altivo bar, peaceful kool place to chill out but meeting dawn was the major thing. did not talk to her much cos i was overdosed with alcohol, i got low-beer tolerance..better with non-beer drinks..din know why.sigh..really wish i can talk to her then but..i cant, her friend are nice. then head to supper.dawn's friend are nice..but din knwo why,xin yin keep saying my behaviour is cute..oh well. hee... sat. swim again.then head to zouk see queue too long ..din to enter.met alan , ross, chena ..gigi's friend.they are super fun to be with .i had the best time in there..maybe i do not care waht other are alot and did not realise i sweat is very fine..also dance with some stranger...summerz?ella? music too loud to comprehend..went home sleep ...sigh..dawn yet to contact me..din know why..really wish she can sms me..something just something...miss her? yeah i am...

Thursday, March 25, 2004 japanese lesson is nice ...alot of interaction ..but it's getting way fast..and i need to be revising constantly. but Sense Suzuki is good .... i sort of like her style...class is very fun .. know some people in there but still cannot intermix well after all it's my 2nd time with them.
Had dinner at town ...not bad far....aniwei tomorrow supposed to hand in my work to jiejie worries i had completed it ... heeheee....and i got into my specialisation...Communication but i more interested in radar reading synthetic aperature's quite okie but phass array is much more easier to comprehend..
Thinkin of's thursday..felt super low mood today thinking of last nite.... ohh well... see how.will always remember last nite.....
WAnt to call her for supper but she at home...but at least she respond quick this time...well ..sorta getting desperate huh? ohh welll....ohh come on ...

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Well did nothing at work..okie a little try to read up on subversion totorise..not bad in the GUI but ..still prefer the command based as it's more pro..haaha..GUI are for computer idiots who just cant cut it.Aniwei spend my time loitering around simlim as she knock off work at 8pm...went to peace having the normal 30% off and 50% off on non-nihonji products got myself a old (okie ...same age as me ) italeri hornet...always fascinated by the old stuff.the smell of the box..really tell it's age..but at 8:30pm....she is here..met me...YEAH!!! well felt that at that moment did not talk much but ..then reach Mos ....things get back to normal..we shop at muji..she is not used to the simple gentleman stuff..but i do not know why ..either she is not used to it she is quite indy..but...or she just din wan to give the wrong have to ffigure out...aniwei..... sent her back home...i guess she felt uneasy in that ..but it's was okie.....she sat with me to wait for the i well "forget"
to pass her my jap notes....ohh well....sit tehre....very nice..super good.but DARN!!! bus came so fast..... @#%@^!.... aniwei..... hope there will be more...i just do not wish that the reason she called me out cos she feel gulity after weeks of turning down my request and now sort of make it up to me...I do not need anyone sympathy..

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Wooo..good day..went to AMK to have a ekkkky lunch but that is not the deal, done my registered post to canada. that chap had not reply ...aniwei hope he will observe the rules..but it's just USD$15..... so had a meeting that is ended up not that scarely as every one participate..and in the course forgets about me .. GOOD!!! i just sit there and copy stuff.... and the day just flies..... met up with jasmine san at the last minute..did not tell her i got jap just said i got to meet friends..din know why i din tell her..maybe it's too premature..wan to impress my jappy friends..tat why..haahaa.a...... new class new people stared like I got a big bogger on my forehead...but sense is superbly nice...wahhh .... cannot compare to sense Fujii...sorry but she is not bad ..but...just...well.. different..... i sort of like senseh susuki's style ..will hope i can swap class cos i know i will improve in her class.she replied and we are meeting tomorrow at bugis....wahhhh..... really looking forward to tomorrow... IT"S A BEAUTIFUL DAY!!!!!! LALALALalalala....

Monday, March 22, 2004

Another day..umphh..went to the hospital to give them my blood samples, well the queue for the IR scan is darn long...shit...monday... busy day for hospital. aniwei everytime goes uneventfully. saw this nice old british lady who is also doing the same kind of test as me....umphhh well ...din know but remind me of my grand folks..sigh...they are gone.. went to chinatown to get some USD to be send to Canada, had laska at the hawker next to OG..that carrot cake SUXXX big time. but laska is good..ate alot cos it's 3pm and eating my breakfast, lunch, tea...the Xchange rate was not bad...tomorrow got meeting with those co. folks...hope everything is quick and fast..change my lessons to tues+thurs for this week.going to send those money to brian in canada...insured or registered..umphhh....

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Sunday....waht a DAE!!! superb weather..visibility unlimited...watched CSI, way cool i really prefer those Las Vegas crew then Miami...hatred is this epsidose with a dismembered body..wooo KOOL!!! bloody..but nice...
had a nice lunch and went swimming ..done dozen of laps...also saw a cute 2 piece....yum..heehee. hey I'm a guy okie... if i dont look, i will doubt my sexuality..aniwei feel darn good swimming for an hour plus and beached there reading my jap.feeling burned but the feeling of lying there thinking of nothing and let time passby is good....ken called and meet up with him in IMM for dinner, bought din for my mum.aniwei there is this nice girl in IT section, why nice? cos all the sales in best are either lian or this is the only one who well looks good. haahaa...tomorrow going to give blood and routine stuff. sigh..she is too burnt out to go out with me....suddenly, i felt the feeling water filling up my lungs when you shallow a mouth of chlorinated water in your's suxx....

Saturday, March 20, 2004

friday..whooppee!!! had a relaxing day at work..managed to sort out my modeling needs and send the necessary mails....japanese class is getting more interesting...and it's reaching the end of the term..should i change to the tues-thurs class, heard from tommy it's more interesting and also MORE FUN over there..umpp..considering. downloaded new ringtones to my phone...cookies..not bad..will experimental it in the real world tomorrow. so eveything is okie....she is now talking to me COOL Down and take things slowly ..dont light the burners and dash for it.... wilco..

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Yuppie!! today's meeting was cancelled after being postphoned to 4pm.Geezz....wonder if i can walk out of the office at 6pm if it really started at 4pm.Well it's till next week, oh well will worry then.Had a nice time with lian today at that frenchy restaurant..Mansion.Banquise?Oh well it's french, food is so-so...but do have a very nice chat with lian..haahaa...MLM and his hand operation, well I'm a optmisitic so nothing bad will happened to him depsite the surgeon will be fiddling with his nerve..ummmph okie at most he can do anything but not pointing the middle finger? heehee.Maybe I was too tired today typing out my Log book fall asleep on the train but it is a hellva of a swell neat day....Hope more to come..Aniwei marina's hobby shop is having a relocation sale of a errmm whimpy 20%...gezzz that is "Wahhh"..okie i am a scrooge but I had just reserve $100 for stuff rdered in AUs...but i do not know where are they moving, it's a nice shop.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

today..wednesday.... feeling better now..after the japanese class, seems that I can write hiragana quite well.i am pleased..too late to have dinner as I went to Kino to get a issue of Model Art, featuring the super bugz. the article is mostly on 1/72 but I am the 1/48er.Anyway, still the best part is ARC had posted my article online, some sort of achievement? maybe...come on after years in this hobby you do want to show off your skills, rite? but i do not care about the critics as long I am happy.. I had send another article on ARC think will be posted in 3 weeks time..heehee...tomorrow going to have a meeting, shucks going to be very nervous.nevermind hope the day will turn out nice and looking forward to a dinner with old budd lian...gosh i really treasure old mates.
Another day had passed..well nothing much had happened... but ... one thing for sure, i'm getting more low in myself. I do not know why..but then again.. hope things will be better esp during jap class.went to chinatown with george ans sharon today.. with patrick..not bad..happened that it's a quite an okie meeting.
in the same carriage with a drunkard who kept talking to some girls sitting guess it's the holidays as i seen alot of kids...they were truely frightened ..but it was an uneventful trip home.wednesday..mid-week....looking about it ..the weekend is near.... hope it will be here soon.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Ummm had my lunch and had some deep thoughts over the morning. ohh well maybe i am bloggin to keep me woke up feeling very very tired as I had slept late last nite...cannot get to sleep do not know why, maybe I am getting old?haa.....gezzz only 23+..tonite dinning out with george ans sharon....having mixed feelins about that since they are my friend and she came from hk, must meet her but they are now together..making me feeling uneasy.nevermind just a meal that's all.I am still actively looking for a pirated pig kit and well i need something to make me occupied and enjoyable..but buying one from the states where it is made in china does make it sound abit werid..come on ..ship from china to states and back to singapore.... gezzz. I am feeling sorry for the victims in the bomb blast in spain, their newly P.M pledge to withdraw their grunts from iraq..another victory others..

Monday, March 15, 2004

Umphh..monday...another boring day.worse still my work is still at the correction stage..after days and week it's still at that stage...think my sup is getting abit edgy..and also frustrated..hope the final draft i handed to her looks acceptable..does not really like the nature of this job..aniwei it's not my favorite cookie but then have to show some progress.hope tomorrow will be better..send a e-mail to aus and waiting for the total amount and then keith will order them on my behalf.she is busy for the whole week so i got to wait till next week before i can hopefully arrange a dinner with her..hope she still willing to meet up, really want to know her better.she seems to be a nice girl.....ohh well...lets hope..

Sunday, March 14, 2004

went swimming again but the weather is at the most playful moment..rain at a moment and sunny sky...shrugged.....swim a little and came back fall asleep..sigh...din know why..but seems she did not reply..i do not know why??.."patience......calm down.......dont put yourself on burner".. i told myself... oh well.... tomorrow is another working week..going to be something better i hope
ummphhh..session expired...darn....just typed out and happen...shi!#...okie... went to IT fair to get my SD card work out not bad.paid ken a visit but...the main focus is to see her again, managed to get her attention and chat awhile..she is tired after days of selling laptops over there..but still protrays a ever radiant simile....or it is know when you have some butterflies in your stomach when you see someone.msg her tonite..same reply..guess both of us are tired..did not reply on the 2nd's okie i understand...sigh... why does such situation always happen to me..shucks...
Shop at marina do not have any discount on their kits..darn...was tinking of getting the academy's intake into my mongram..nvm.will continue the join up..since will be getting another pig a reply from zed hobbies....the price seems right..will do my maths again and seek dear keith's help...shucks..hate that...but i really need a new project to freshen my life...hope tomorrow no rain.... need a tan ..and a swim..... hope there is kino coupon tomorrow..need to buy books....

Friday, March 12, 2004

Today happy happy, half day and ITS A BEAUTIFUL DAY!! lalalalalalalal......went AMK for lunch..superb..and went to Tiong Bahru Plaza to see plastic, sudden urge to get a new "pig". Saw SHE there....3 of them, took photos usin my phone..okie..but the best part...hit the pool under the hot sun.other than some pesty sec 2 girls who are so noisy i had an nice swim and a good bake in the sun.timo is there with his "family". it's a complicated affair he is having.Went down to IT fair..not that great deal but did managed to see her...she is selling laptops.did not approach her, feeling gulity and bad disturbing her sales, then went to lesson after a nice meal with andrea, nice chap..lesson was getting boring....shucks...if not of friends i will swap class."Senseh Fujii be more ACTIVE!!!" she msg me asking why i did not approach her to say hi...oh well how i wish... to talk to her..but ..sigh.... the timid part of me just took control of me...nevermind will go down again to confront with my fear!! GOOD LUCK!

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Aha..another day nearer to went to ang mo kio for lunch, the western food aain bad...ain bad but got caught the in the rain on the way back..ran like hell to the office.afternoon was rather quiet mainly some interference from 2 ladies around me ..yak yak yak...sigh.....went home for dinner had shrimp dumpling..yeah yeah.....mum made them, had 2 bowlful. now feeling abit tight on my tummy.nevermind that finally got some concrete ideas on what to do on my pig..sand it down today and started on my tiny puny bombcat, something i going to finish in a few days time (I hope.....) my pig is going to take weeks to complete, made an inquiry on an aussie shop regards to the super bugz pit. if it's good deal, will ask keith to send that chap a cheque and pay back keith when he is back...din know if he willing..ohh well got to ask...
tomorrow half day...but plans got squashed...think go back home to sleep...or to my plastic milling session...must complete that bombcat by end of the week.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004 i did nothing at work, cant blame me everyone is planing their class for the coming sem.aniwei left office and head to school for the afternoon with my friends, kinda fun.seen some interesting FYP exhibits..and getting more interested in those satellite FYP and of course made my mind set to comms even if the journey is shit but than again every path is mined with shit.went back home sleep...wooo so refreshed...went out early before class to do some admin and heeheee got my $700 pay..what should i spend on...a manbo bag..maybe not....jappy class was errmm well no mood to attend feel like having fun.aniwei whole class ended without incidents.had a supper with claire and andrea, nice folks.i do hope andrea made the right decision soon, she reminded me of my days after my As...sigh...... those sad days... nevermind tomorrow going to be a normal for my superbugzz pit.....if not stick to the pig....this time an aussie

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Hohooooo hooo....waht a boring tueday.Managed to done my work and handed in, expecting something to happen to my draft..but well jie was busy, poor jie everyday so busy.sigh keep myself occupied by reading something useful from the web..UML, activity diagram.Looked forward to the movie after work, watched acacia..ohh well suddenly i felt it was more boring than and scene is badly coordinated, any horror...ohh well nothing i can find, maybe i did not expect it was a triller and wanted something more esp after a peaceful day at work.I wan BLOOD, I wan screams....I wan action...but sadly none.Tomorrow going back to school to see senior's FYP, maybe can spot good FYP which i can follow on when my time comes.Ohh..e-mail a seller in US, hope he still have that superbugz.Going to pay him full cash if the shipment fee is right.....sigh..think of reading some books i got from AA04..
Okie, this is my first post.was going to post it last nite but computer was abit sluggish. foul weather yest.luunch went to yishun in a air-con bus felt like a naked man in a freezer. got my shoes wet, hate that sloggy feeling darn...still no contact from her...shucks...once again screwed up big time.maybe it's true that when one got it he will always got it but if someone ain, there will never be a single one. ohh well no use crying over spilled milk.feel like spending money, got paid...but do not know what to buy that make me very satisfied.maybe take a leap and try e-commerce.tonite going to watch a movie, jap spelling yet to touch on it, going to do it during work hours. it's still going to be a foul weather today....